but eesa gretz also impact health and they may induce users especially youngsters to turn to the back of cigarettes as well. i mean without a comment it's too she said counsellor of the tool because his agent and smoking convention center here at the event this clinic pulling things happened today only today we're talking about smoking and very pain so what actually is in the paper well it's difficult to answer because. depending on the substances in the liquid of secrets so we have about a thousand different flavors which makes it very difficult to find out what exactly is in there way but you know the main ingredient is a proper link recall which is for some patients difficult and dangerous because they knew might have an asthmatic allergic reaction to it. ok so and this is different to normal cigarettes than yes absolutely in other grieving and so to speak from well how it so what's dangerous about that it's a carcinogenic substance and you may know it from your color of the home or from the wallpaper and you should avoid it whenever you can tell me something about the different ki