team, obviously discussion from yellen about focus on employment, climate policy, and brian dooez eese will affect net net the economy once policies are put into place? >> i think a lot is going to depend on what happens in these georgia senate races if you have a republican majority in the senate, then i think you'll still get an economic support package in the short-term, whether that's before inauguration or after inauguration or some of both but i think you will probably see fewer longer term changes in fiscal policy both on the tax and spending side. if democrats were to win those two races in georgia, and therefore again gain control, i think you could have longer term changes as well increases in spending on infrastructure climate, healthcare, and education, and probably some increases in taxes on upper income earners and corporations as well. how big those are going to be i think is going to -- it is a little hard to say, it would still be a 50/50 senate, so the most moderate of democrat in the senate would essentially be pivotal. so i think the key in the shorter term probably