efremushka, what is this, well, how long can it be, why do you need this war, you’ve already won what to the tribunal, what about me, what about the kids, what about us, the house burned down, the whole winter is coming, how can we ephramushka, i’ll install the stove, i’ll have time, the main stove, the stove, the roofs, the walls, they’ll help. neighbors, lyosha will help, the nazis, let's go, we'll live, i'll go here business, i’ll be there soon, for what kind of business is efremushka, i need a clan, what’s needed, and so on for 3 days, nothing at all, i’ll be there soon. hello neighbor. let's step aside, yeah, let's step aside, where the little one is hiding, you know, it's at les's, well, let's go to the village council, there the special officers are looking for fascist accomplices, yes, wait, i'm a frem, what kind of accomplice i am, you know, well, that's where you'll tell , let's go, well, yesterday i took them to the old partisan camp. don’t be a jerk, guys, svae, gladzitse, what a blessing i am to you, don’t flinch, the main thing is you didn’t bring your tail, i checked wh