obviously our goal here is to make sure that /efrpl, regardless of genre, identity and orientation feels comfortable reporting crime and we will prosecute it when we can. >> thank you. any questions? why don't we now call upon our police station captain, captain moser of the mission station. the police department is a very important player when something happens they are the first agency this they interact with. and i see sergeant [inaudible] is here who has a long history of serving or lgtb community well, not only in the department, but throughout the city. i'll turn it over to you captain, but the question that has come up for me in terms of the police department is what's the level of sensitivity to this community. what we have heard repeatedly is that they feel there is a disconnect, that there isn't a level of understanding that makes many of them feel welcome to move forward and to come forward and report a hate crime and that at times when a crime is reported, it is not treated as a hate crime. and that of course, this creates disincentives for many of these women to come forward