happy law day during in any .egal transaction or contract if there is fraud or eli gala the, that contract can be rescinded. or, if we have found collusion or any other illegality in the 2016, what can't the election the rescinded , declared void and redone? >> the best of my knowledge, there is no procedure to avoid -- void and-- avoid election. ensure that people that >> the short answer is i investigations. i don't comment on what we are not investigating. seet of times things people sure.t sure -- not -- not true. >> i would like to ask you a historical question. one of your more famous predecessors, how would you assess his character for choosing instead of firing archibald cox, choose to resign knowing that someone down the chain of command probably would carry out that order? >> this watergate reference. the attorney general made a commitment to the senate that he would not fire the special prosecutor and he felt obligated to fulfill that commitment and therefore resigned. the deputy attorney general did as well. i don't think there was any regulation at the time that restricted the