tavis: egomaniacal.m glad you said that, because it does raise a question that i want to ask about to the extent that you have, how you avoided the egomaniacal part, how you avoided the drugs, the meltdowns. every career has its ebbs and flows, but you seem to have survived rather well adjusted. >> the holt egomaniacal thing in defeating. self- at this point is a spinal tap issue. rock is human beings playing music from their most vital core. the whole ego trip and drugs and all that, those are trappings that are kind of stereotype, at this point. myhink speaking from my age, generation, when i was 27 i did not think this at all. i thought, bring it on. [laughter] i think people confuse personal power with ego all the time. hads: if the hall of fame not come calling, if this selection, this honor had not occurred, would you, did you, have you phelps respected -- have you felt respected by the profession, have you been given the respect that you deserve, or does that happen now with this induction? or did