was looking for toulouse la trek, who i was interested in at that time and all of a sudden i saw egon schiller and i took the book out and started looking at it and i realized this person was very special but at the same time nobody had schiller. most of them were in private collections or -- and all of a sudden i found finally one schiller drawing and i purchased -- purchased it. i paid $600 for it. years later i sold it. i traileded it. it ended up in the leopold collection, when which is one of the great collections in vienna. >> wow. >> but my family looked at me and said you must be crazy. what are you buying these pictures for? >> have you ever wanted to paint? >> i did paint. >> you did the? did you stop or do you still paint? >> i stopped. >> why did you stop? >> frankly i knew too much, right, and also in order to paint, i believe in almost any art, you have to have a certain fire in your stomach. and i had more fire in my stomach to buy great art -- >> yeah, and you were consumed by politics and business and other things as well. >> business came later. politics came sooner. >> let m