this would obviate the need for egress stairs." its seems to me that is saying, if you want to obviate the need for egress stairs, something that would be expensive, we need to have an easement. on the business of the fact that the big building has access to privacy, this is what the building will look like after the improvements are made. imagine for yourselves that the people who are standing there have a direct sightline into your bedroom. the fact that there might be some people who have a window that is 100 feet away cannot possibly be compared with the invasion of privacy that is inherent in that situation. the condo is there. it has been there. it has not been a problem. this will be a problem. one thing that i am asking you to do today -- if we have a direction from this commission to have mediation, i suspect there is an architectural solution to these problems, or something that could ameliorate them. but the business of our making proposals and then saying "no way, because we are going to do what is legal" -- the point o