. -- and an egyptology this party when you find time for this and how was your day divided up betweenrdinary step besides electric interests? >> the other interests are probably taking more time than the electricity because i am slowly handing authority over to chris crane who will succeed me at exelon. you can get astonishing things out of history books that once the succession is clear, the nobles tend to gather around the successor. one just has to accept that that's the way it is. >> let's go to these interests one by one. why ancient egypt? >> i am a history buff and i have been since i was 10 years old. my travel focuses on papal of this -- places of historical interest and i read history every night and i tend to read in splurges. i go for one period and then i get interested in something else. the truth is, the older i get, the more i care about how the book is written because i don't have patience. >> it is amazing what you can read when you are young. you can read and regions but it is not easy now. >> i went back to "the deer slayer" and founded rather sappy. i realize why