. >> many of the dead fighter's comrades were there, including 17-year-old ehsanullah, who also took part in the attack. after the funeral was over, i followed him as he went to meet a friend. i asked him to tell me what motivates young men here to fight for a movement like the taliban >> from what i was told, the taliban in charkh are mostly recruited from the 40,000 people who live in the district. >> the taliban are feared across many parts of afghanistan - and especially outside predominantly pashtun regions. before they were toppled from power in 2001, and like other groups during afghanistan's civil war, they committed horrendous massacres against civilians. when they ruled afghanistan, they imposed an extreme interpretation of sharia's law, and provided a safe haven for osama bin laden and his al qaeda network to operate from. but in the time that i was in charkh, although it was impossible to know who in these communities supported the taliban, and who didn't, i witnessed what appeared to be, on the surface at least, civilians and taliban co-existing. >> the taliban recognize