ehud barak would tell you that he did extend a hand but it was rebuffed.ton would tell you that that was exactly right. you have sort of a third-party who acknowledge that's the case. i don't buy the idea that israel has never reached out. i think israel has reached out. israel has no military threat in the region, that's not entirely the case depending on what fills the vacuum in the west bank. that's why israel is insisting on a military presence along the jordan river. israel is insisting on that because it is hard to know what comes across the syrian border. you and i want the same thing let's talk for a minute while we don't have the world that you and i want. israelis, we both care very deeply about the future of the country. really, why has this not happened? here is part of the reason i wrote the book. the book tries to explain that this conflict has a very long history. we're coming on almost a century of conflict beginning in 1929 when, over the course of one weekend, arab rioters destroyed a neighborhood that had been in place percent juries. co