his daughter dates eichmann's son and brings him home one day and eichmann's son has the name eichmann man doesn't recognize the name eichmann because it's not a well known name. but the young boy at dinner says "they should have killed all the jews." later this guy reads an article about bauer wanting to try a man named adolf eichmann and he puts two and two together. he lets bauer know. finally bauer gives the israelis more information and he says "i'm convinced." he goes to david ben gohr i don't know, the prime minister of israel. and ben gur i don't know who is a genius made one of his seminal decisions in this regard. ben-gurion. he could have said bump the guy off, let him end up in a ditch it will a warningto other nazi war criminals don't sleep soundly in your bed. but he says capture him, bring him here and we'll put him on trial. he understood the importance of trial. he fund importance of the judicial process and he's demonstrating to the world that israel spoke of the name of the jewish victims of the holocaust. >> rose: so then they captured him. >> they captured him. at