with me is eileen burbidge, co—founder and partner at passion capital, an early stage venture capitalfirmlet's get started, and this story, front and centre at the financial times, shell is taking action? it is the first of the energy companies are the first of the energy companies a re really the first of the energy companies are really putting a stick in the ground and the big reversal by its chief executive who earlier this year, just this summer, said it would be foolish to try to impose targets and it would open them up the litigation, wrecking your standard excuses, but now about—face and seeing as noted, they will tie this to executive compensation and it will affect the top 1200 employees at the company and stable set targets which actually include used by its consumers so notjust the compa ny‘s specific used by its consumers so notjust the company's specific carbon footprint but all of its products as well. the those in polmont today, david attenborough and others there today, this is great news for them. —— poland. we really need to try to reduce the global warming which is one