he commanded one of the einsatzgruppen. his testimony was used by the prosecution with his cooperation during the main trial against the other german defendants. he testified on the stand that his einsatzgruppen had murdered 90,000 people. he said at one point another commander had had more people murdered, and he said, oh, he is just exaggerating. i killed many more people than he did. with his testimony on the record, you had the beginning of a case that could be devoted entirely to the einsatzgruppen. at this point the americans and the british have decided joint power trials are probably not something we want to be involved in. the decision was made for the allies to separate the process and they will continue to try war criminals separately. the 12 subsequent trials, the ministry's, the high command trial they are going to be , entirely under american, and specifically american army, jurisdiction. ndrof, and we will see him again, he will be a continuing participant in the story because there is something disquieting a