it's very hard for the public today to understand, the special extermination squads, einsatzgruppen, "action groups", were 3,000 men. i selected of this 3,000, all of whom are complicit mass murderers, i selected those based on several factors. first of all, we had to have them in captivity. if you've got the evidence and you haven't got the prisoner, you've got nothing. i want a list of everybody who was an einsatzgruppen member from all of our intelligence sources sent out immediately to nuremberg. i went over the list. i picked those of the highest rank, and then checked out their background from their nazi party records, which were captured in berlin. those who had doctor degrees, and were generals, they got priority. and from these, i picked out 22. why not 28? because we only had 22 seats in the dock. is that absurd ? of course it's absurd, there were only 22 seats in the dock for herman goering and company, so you have a selection of a sampling, that's all it is. of the 22 who you tried in the einsatzgruppen case, about a dozen were given death sentences, four were actually ex