and we have many goddess cultures-riane eisler, the chalice & the blade - these interesting synopses. but that's the kind of thing we're looking at in terms of sign. now to mention representational symbols, well, these are the things that are distinct, or they're different from the things they symbolize. and there's no way you could have gotten to campus today, if you drove a car, if you weren't very adept at agreed-upon representational symbols. who did invent the traffic light? let's string him up. we only have one traffic light in mccomb, so i don't have to worry about that. but the traffic symbols, if you're taking your driving test, i mean, much of what goes on is that you learn to identify the agreed-upon symbols that move us along. in terms of religion, of course, we see the great symbols of the world - the cross in christianity, the star of david, these sorts of things, the om sign - these are symbols that evoke certain kinds of feelings here. an interesting one i'll mention is a presentational symbol. now, we have - up here, here's one. this is an icon. i believe this icon, i