the eitc is designed to fill that gap that so many working families suffer from. it provides millions of americans, including hundreds of thousands of ohions, from belair to van wert to ash beulah to middletown, provides hundreds of thousands of ohioans earning low to moderate wages a life-saving tax credit. if you work and play by the rules but earn low wages, the earned income tax credit can provide for your children, help you build economic security, help you extend your reach for the american dream. according to a recent study, the earned income tax credit has lifted more children above the poverty line than any other -- than any government program. now, the earned income tax credit, again, is available for people who are -- who have jobs and get a tax break as a result -- get a tax credit as a result of that job. 2005, more than 22 million u.s. households applied for the earned income tax credit. they received on average $1,800 a household. an estimated 2.6 million children were lifted above the poverty line because of the earned income tax credit. this, mr.