. >> with respect to the eitcd re eitc and the child tax credit, do you assumeensi of the 2001 portions of that indefinitely? >> i believe on the child credit yes. on eitc there are some cases with respect to some of the refundable credits where the recovery act provided some additional expansions on those. we do not ass ju the original ' laws. >> okay. just to be clear, with respect to the enhancements in the child tax credit, ei recovery act, you do not assume those? >> that's correct. >> okay. with respect to the estate tax, do you assume repeal or do you assume estate tax as it was legislatio? >> the 2010 legislation is what weassume. >> now, with respect to the economic assumptions you use, do those track?cbo's economic assumption? >> we used the -- well, we used cbo's march baseline, and was c their january economicthat's wh budget resolution for the chairman's mark. >> so let me ask you with reven projections, do you use their approach to scoring or do you use so-called dynamic scoring as part of your budget? >> we u revenue numbers from the congressional budget office. joint tax