one perpetrator car jacked and assaulted the victim and ejack lated in her pants. he took the pants. he thought he took the only evidence that could tie him to the assault. however, the nurse who was taking the evidence from her in a careful interview revealed that he had talked on her cell phone. she obtained her cell phone, she swabbed the sever of the cell phone. that d.n.a. profile was entered into the convicted offender data base and it hit to this man. her training and innovation made that arrest possible. he is charged and he is waiting trial. for similar reasons police and prosecutor training would enhance investigations. there needs to be more cooperation between police and prosecutors. if there's anything i've learned as a prosecutor, it is that when police and prosecutors work together we improve outcomes significantly. teamwork on cold cases is especially crucial. in many places, a road bloc exists to this cooperation and i have detailed what that is in my smigses and suggested solutions to overcome it. the crime solving ability of our national data bas