this is in ek wa docuador. they have this wooden boat race where they launch these different boats and float down the river. everybody comes out, lines the edges of the river to cheer on their favorite community members. everybody there to have a good time and celebrate. you can see another boat coming down the river with one following it. >> oh! >> the bridge. it went down. >> the whole bridge collapsed. you had a whole bunch of those community people standing along that bridge. as the perfect vantage point to see the different rafts and boats go by. however, that bridge was built ten years ago and a local claims it hasn't been maintained since. it's designed to support 1 1/2 tons. i think once you get a whole bunch of people on there, you're beginning to push the limits of that bridge. in all, 29 people were injured. >> wow. >> that's expected but also negligent of the authorities in this town. they should especially if it's a bridge that is used often, have taken the steps to make sure this thing was okay an