my name is ekaterina biretskaya. hello. you are watching a science mania project in the next half an hour do not miss it. medical research to medical wards, what is the fundamental difference between gerontology and geriatrics, if not stopped, then at least slow down, is it real, if we are talking about the aging process, and why in 50% cases of the elderly are misdiagnosed, we will find out very soon. so gerontology and geriatrics are consonant, but different concepts, and i propose to understand the terminology right now. with the development of the science of medicine, the average life of a person has noticeably increased, the accumulated knowledge, scientists have combined into the science of gerontology, which comprehensively studies old age, today it identifies several areas. gerontology biological doctors follow the features of the life processes of the elderly medical direction studies pathologies and diseases characteristic only for older people, psychological, studying changes in the psyche with age. the sociologi