a third, more environmentally friendly way to deal with anger, let's talk with psychologist ekaterina gromkovausly, in general anger to what category of emotions to attribute good or bad it is generally, in principle, normal to be angry with someone, not true emotions. we can't say it's good or bad. this is what is given to us by nature itself. this is our way of responding to a variety of situations and bad, as a rule, not emotions, but people with call bad emotions those emotions that i like to live with them can be angry or sad, of course anger is such a bright bright bright emotion, and those emotions that we like to live we tend to define as good and more pleasant, respectively, in anger can be both positive such a negative side. yes definitely we need him for both polarities. let's see. what positive emotions. anger, it helps us respond to a threat and gives us the necessary courage energy reduces the feeling of fear, where it becomes a problem when it is inadequate to the situation and either often outbursts caused by the past. e it causes harm to health in one way or property. damages