everyone immediately drew a parallel between his ex- wife in the series and ex-wife in life ekaterina klimovae with her the actor had two sons. what was he thinking about during the filming of this series and what is he thinking about today? his ex-wife will say this. this is the fate of a person, the fate of igor petrenko. good afternoon, just yesterday we finished watching, and this is really not a figure of speech, because when i say we, we were all sitting, the whole country was sitting watching doctor red, the ratings are huge. i congratulate you, and an incredible plot, i understand that for any actor it is a dream to play in one role, uh, two lives, even more than that, a person. who lived one life, then it is erased, forgotten, this is amazing acting material, an incredible finale, of course we all you sat holding your breath, and he turned out to be so open, you understood that this was such a thing, but what is called a huge acting success, when you read this script, when you see that the hero goes through such ups and downs, then for the actor , in the acting profession, this is, u