el dorado slpa, we've talked to parents who are very frustrated with the engagement process. they meet three times a year via conference call for an hour. there's no feedback mechanism at all. you type your comments into a chat box and nothing ever happens. there's no public -- there's no -- at our meetings, the special education department leadership team comes and special interacts with families around challenges and issues? so we -- we struggle with some of the marketing material that we're seeing right now that's -- innovate, for example, just released a special education plan a couple of months ago, and their actions and their words and the fact that they are a for-profit corporation that doesn't allow any stakeholder engagement or feedback is just very frustrating for a group of parents who have been fighting for years to get to the point where we are to have a voice with their district. we are strongly caution families that are looking at charter schools to make sure you ask a whole lot of questions before you buy into slick marketing. >> miss fisher, thank you. >> doe