i don't walk into a scene feeling like i don't know where it's going and i'm looking for it to el lupl nate the direcon. we reers this balliic nature... this is where it has to head and then what you find with really talented people is that they show you that you haven't seen before and that you then get to say, oh, wow, how can i make that part of... i want that part of the tapestry of the thing. but i also can't have it be two minutes longer, you know? it's not like we're... it's not like we're off the reservation. i want you to play and i want you to play with this text and i want you to look at this idea for more meaning. what will does that character really mean? and in that mall lang of people trying... you know, a number of different ways you're going to find those takes that you go "that's what we're building this scene off of. that's the intent." and then you sort and sift through every over-the-oulder shot and every moment and every time somebodyddresses a problem, how it is ty pick things up and you're looking for those best little pieces. >> i know i gave you a hard time still d