el shebob was attacked in somalia the other day. just because the issue was not up front or the main stream media or the liberal media thinks it's not important, it is important. terrorism is a threat. we have to put aside political correctness. if i see someone like rand paul spend 13 hours speaking on the senate because he's worried that the cia is going to kill a guy drinking starbucks here. how out of whack have we gotten? instead of being worried about al qaeda or the boston bombing, instead of making sure we're protected, we have a candidate waste 13 hours of people's time. and people like ted cruz thinking our government is more interested in killing people in starbucks with drones. something has gone off of the rails in our country. it's important to stand up, speak out against the wings of the party. now the republicans are speaking out the wings in our party, it's driving us in the wrong direction, focusing the debate on extraneous issues. not just issues, but issues that divert us. if we're worried about drones that attac