elaine chow joining us on this.why is the president against asking able-bodied people to work just 20 hours to get welfare payments. what's wrong with that? >> well, i think that's a very good question because studies after studies have shown that when social welfare programs are accompanied by work requirement, their recipient gets back into the work force sooner and gets -- also at a better rate and better job. what we're seeing is that the longer a person stays out of the work force, the harder it will be for that person to go back into the work force and work is good for whole host of reasons and for addressing of course monetary benefits but also psychic benefits as well. they kind of give us purpose, get us into the office and get us into a routine on a daily basis and they help people become happier so there's a lot of psychological impacts about the positive benefits of work and what's been talked about are aable-bodied people who are not, who don't have any dependents and not that they have to take care of