to his left elaine denmark. end, brian wilde, policy director at brownstein, hyatt, garber and shrek. there is something that the donald trump put out, called the contract with the american voter . there are interesting similarities. it is a sheath that talks about unilateral things a president can do and legislative things. there are curious parallels with the contract with america. >> right, right. i served as the director of the contract. to 1994, itnk back was a presidential election. , the 20 orgingrich so of them that were crazy enough to think the republicans could take the house decided you needed something to port forward . this was before tweeters and facebook and the internet. it was an insert in the tv guide. here are the 10 things we are going to do and hold us to account for this. behind them with legislative language. the senate guys that we were crazy, because there was no way we were going to win. and the white house took it as a big joke. it wasn't well known around the country. what it did all