i've got the privilege of introducing our next speaker as the honorable elaine luria. i think most of us are familiar with her. and those of you who studied the navy force structural certainly are, a short bio, graduate of the navy academy, as a marine i checked out on that long before we got to the nuclear part. she was a congresswoman who represented the virginia 2nd district. she was a vice chair of the sea powered arm of the house services committee and most importantly, she was from alabama and we also proudly adopted her. i think those of you who have done naval reading and it came up previously on a panel, the article she wrote for the war in iraq a couple of years ago, trying to tie our fleet structure to the strategy and i think that mark mentioned earlier, that you know, that provided a construct for getting to a fleet size that was operationally relevant. so with that, i'd like to welcome congresswoman luria. thank you. [applause] >> well, good afternoon, thank you for having me and as i noted on the way up, i'm the last speaker so i'm all standing between y