so i mapped all the locations of the houses on elaine tillman's list. assuming she's sticking to live uploads, she's gonna need a strong wifi connection. all right, i don't want to go to the wrong house again, so... doesn't even matter because this time we'll know where she's transmitting from. yeah, and how's that? when i did my real estate analysis, i was looking at wifi connectivity. in fact, i had your techs cross check the database of broadband users in these areas against owners of wireless routers. that sounds like a lot of houses. not where we're looking. because, remember, she was choosing houses in jessica's law hot zones. overlaying those hot zones over our map of houses and factoring in for wifi connectivity, i've isolated five locations where she'll likely strike next. all right, i'm gonna get lapd into those areas. as soon as we find her car, we're gonna move in. there's elaine tillman's car. house is around the corner. 2152 floresta. and lapd has the perimeter? let's take the house. (man yells) what do you want from me?! everything! fbi!