. >> e elaine warren deputy district attorney. what i would like to take a look at this an what it an appears and how the different two ornsz -- ordinances as they are pending. we provide that addresses the declaration. on the rightness issue which is at what point could an appeal first be considered to qualify for of consideration by the board. our advice was when there was both i ceqa decision, plus an approval of that project. that continues to be our advice. this ordinance perhaps this is not entirely intended, i'm not sure, but as for exemptions, it appears that there is actually a scenario under which the appeal period for exemptions would never close because it would provide it to be accepted by the clerk and to that point cutoff all approval action as soon as planning as issued and exemption determines. and since the appeal period doesn't run until 30 days after the approval action, it doesn't appear it would actually ever close. >> could you explain that again. >> as i said that maybe a drafting error. this is not somethi