newell was astonished by elanna's quick progress. >> i want with so say maybe the fifth or 6th week, she called something ridiculous, and it was like who are you talking to? >> so a village taking a village. >> specializing in implants for the hearing impaired developed 30 million words after noticing some of her low income patients didn't progress as well as others following surgery. >> i realized that the difference that i was seeing in my patients really had nothing to do with their hearing loose but rather the language environment that they were being exposed to early on. and that difference almost always fell alongshore owe economic lines. >> the project is based on research conducted back in the mid 1990's by two university of kansas child psychologists they found that three-year-olds who interacted more with their parents and were exposed to more words were better prepared for kindergarten and tended to be better readers later. >> results from her project and found a direct corelation between parent child interaction and the number of words the toddlers use. >> she really incr