supervisor mandelman is asking that we close this meeting of the board of supervisors in memory of eleanor george burke who died on may 26th after two-year battle with colon cancer. born in 1938, she lived in san francisco nearly her entire life. she attended grant school, burke high school, stanford where she met her husband and then san francisco state. eleanor was a great and intimidating teacher. she taught for two years before joining the faculty while also teaching writing class in the evenings. they became a legend there. her minimal decency test was a write of passage for every junior who have to demonstrate basic rules of correct writing to make it through her english composition class. she gave the world better writers, better thinkers and better people. eleanor and bernie raised three kids of their open. the freshman was supervisor mandelman. he was able to go on to make something of himself. eleanor was a woman of creative obsessions. she loved drawing and water color and found time for these side hobbies. early on, she did pin an ink drawing of houses around the united states but mostly, v