while i was reading stories about eleanor, robert m. morgenthauwas being read to by eleanor roosevelt herself. bob loved eleanor or mrs. roosevelt as he still calls her today. he thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever met and she was to be his surrogate mother for the rest of her life. i want to tell you a little bit about the premise of my book "timeless." it's a love story that explores how an unlikely relationship like ours has endured for more than three decades. when i met the new york district attorney robert morgenthau, in the 1970s, he was an icon of the establishment dedicated to upholding the law. and i was a radical hippie, determined to destroy it. [laughter] moreover, he was almost 30 years older than me. we were totally different. that we should come together was almost an oxymoron. but the book is a story of how we realized that sometimes people behind their facades are hauntingingly alike. hauntingly alike. "timeless" is unsparing in revealing our foibles and our illusions, our highs and lows, how we developed strateg