Nov 23, 2016
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conferenci de pnsa s/ estuar rodrigz, analta "yo creo questo va ser unrelaci bien dícil ene elpresidte elec pjudicarl entenmientodel pulo" en vez meos tradionalesel predente ecto ha cididousarmedios socias... ena nochedel lunes plic estvideo eyoutubdonde psent suprioridad legislivas. s/ donald tm presidte electo(nat)sobrenmigrac solodijo.(nat)e va a edirle departameo del tbajo qurevise loabusos program de visas quefecn a losestadouninse. no hab de murni dedeportacion. dose sus promesaeleorales promociadas/ j.d gorn, expeo en seguridad naonal"yo creo quel va tenerflexibidad.. creo qnosotr vamos ver sendo común y vam aeparar s frontes para egurar e estepaís eseguro"el video dra serndicati cmo eluturo psidentea comunicae con epblico.s/ juliana msalve@juliamonsy deja en du co será lación tre la ensa y tura ca blanca y comotrump va a navegaros medi nvencionas. por lo prontl sha reuno con ejutivos periodias de los medios naciales mspromintes, inclendo esmartesl new york timesuno de s diaricon loque ha nido msencontnes.s/ estudo roiguez, alista "tienen q ver laanera dtrabaj con lomedios rqueellos
conferenci de pnsa s/ estuar rodrigz, analta "yo creo questo va ser unrelaci bien dícil ene elpresidte elec pjudicarl entenmientodel pulo" en vez meos tradionalesel predente ecto ha cididousarmedios socias... ena nochedel lunes plic estvideo eyoutubdonde psent suprioridad legislivas. s/ donald tm presidte electo(nat)sobrenmigrac solodijo.(nat)e va a edirle departameo del tbajo qurevise loabusos program de visas quefecn a losestadouninse. no hab de murni dedeportacion. dose sus...
Nov 22, 2016
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--y mients l autorides tratan de elecer cmocurrieron s hecho inform que se espe que elficialsobrevivarmevanzan s horassurgenuevos dalles dataque sangreria queobrola viddel ofial "benmin horas,urgen nvos detles del atue a sare friaue cobro vida d oficia"benjan macor", un verano de la policiae san aonio. cesar --- es tarde,e reveluevainformin de usospecho. jairo lozanonos cuea que ssabede estsujeto - take pkg :01 :12 :27 01:24 pkg la invtigacioindica e elprincil sospeoso entro aqu aluartel ntral dla polica,uatro has antes de cometia la moal emboscadal oficialque sacudi a tdependeia. william manus / fe sapdcreo que euforme f el blanco de es aque, exeso william mcmas jefe la policien relan al vientoincidee que le arbo la vi a benjam macorm despuse 20aÑos dservicio.autoridaderevelar el vidde vigilaia, quemuestra asujetentranda lasinstalacies dondconversdurante 2seguns con uempleadantese retirse. william mcmas /efe sapcomo una amea para publicen genal, la licia dcribe al sospechoso q seree huyabordo de unutovil senn color negr deus de locurrido la r del dongo.williamanus / fe sapddesde entc
--y mients l autorides tratan de elecer cmocurrieron s hecho inform que se espe que elficialsobrevivarmevanzan s horassurgenuevos dalles dataque sangreria queobrola viddel ofial "benmin horas,urgen nvos detles del atue a sare friaue cobro vida d oficia"benjan macor", un verano de la policiae san aonio. cesar --- es tarde,e reveluevainformin de usospecho. jairo lozanonos cuea que ssabede estsujeto - take pkg :01 :12 :27 01:24 pkg la invtigacioindica e elprincil sospeoso entro aqu...
Nov 15, 2016
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a qu se fie el presidte elec.. cuan hablade quedeportar a psonason rcorcriminal? 2.e hayatenido i's o hayan esdo invocrados episodios deiolenci domestica3. quines esrann mayorriesgo de r dortados blanca---graas abogo merinpor contesr nuests preguas. --muy bues tarde lorena---san frcco se cprometia defender to costa.vo -- l protecones y rvicioscon que cuean hoen dialos indocuntados esa ciudad. ---asi lo dlarhoy elalcald ed leequien do estan idos pa lograrlo.--pero seguel alcae, a qule deb temer s residtes deesa ciudad? --en un rertaje aas 6 dea tarde, pilariÑo aclara estasinquietude take vo blc--tambien entrevta alprograma 6minutose cbs, presidente ec donaldrump, confirmo qumtendraalgunas part del an de sud obamacare, rincilmente para a queos pacites concondicnes prexistent y para hijos menorede 26 as que aviven con supadres.--concluyo e mtendravigentes adas alnos logs legislativosealizad por obama, sin specifir cuales. take vo lore---lue de unaemana dintensas maras protest en algunas ciudes delaisdebido la eleion de naldtrump como nuevpresidee electde estadounidos, -
a qu se fie el presidte elec.. cuan hablade quedeportar a psonason rcorcriminal? 2.e hayatenido i's o hayan esdo invocrados episodios deiolenci domestica3. quines esrann mayorriesgo de r dortados blanca---graas abogo merinpor contesr nuests preguas. --muy bues tarde lorena---san frcco se cprometia defender to costa.vo -- l protecones y rvicioscon que cuean hoen dialos indocuntados esa ciudad. ---asi lo dlarhoy elalcald ed leequien do estan idos pa lograrlo.--pero seguel alcae, a qule deb temer...
Nov 15, 2016
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blanca---hayeaccin ego de s declariones q hizo epresidte elec donaldrumpen un ograma levisivdonde sespectal tema de iigracinlorena--- nque declaro q planeadeport a por menos s millones de dumentad. desde shingtojulianamonsalinforma - take p :01 :15 :28 01:08 01:36 pkg u cosa eescuchalas promes de un ndidato la presidcia y oa muy derentees eschar loslanes dun presidte elec dice ta inmigrte. una cosa eescuchalas promesasde un cdidato la presidenciytra muyiferentes escuchal planese unpresidentelecto, ce estainmigrant s/ maría león, migrant"mucha gee eá tristy... lacomunid como e está s silencda comoue no se mucho"y es que r estosados rea eledo luo de ladeclariones que hizo dald tru en el programa 0 nutes" te domingo.s/ dona trump,residen ectodijo que ncarcela o deportar entre s a tremillon de iocumentos quetienen antedees criminales" no aclar ddonde so la cifra, ni sise planncluye aquellos q n cometo crmenes mos. marae len no ha metido nguno, pero no e tranqua. s/ maría león, migrant"hay muchaee inocee que podría caeemanos dice"en la entrista trp tambirecalc (n) que cstruir muro en laro
blanca---hayeaccin ego de s declariones q hizo epresidte elec donaldrumpen un ograma levisivdonde sespectal tema de iigracinlorena--- nque declaro q planeadeport a por menos s millones de dumentad. desde shingtojulianamonsalinforma - take p :01 :15 :28 01:08 01:36 pkg u cosa eescuchalas promes de un ndidato la presidcia y oa muy derentees eschar loslanes dun presidte elec dice ta inmigrte. una cosa eescuchalas promesasde un cdidato la presidenciytra muyiferentes escuchal planese...
Nov 18, 2016
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president-elect is expected to go back on the road and resurrect the rally t plano hit swing states that help elece him president. and picked out on the election of donald trump will be with him foreverti. so confident that hillary clinton would win the election he ill placed a bet with a budd. promise to get his face tattoo if they actually want this week they cut this so-called th standing down his back. related to know you are trumps state this is the stupidestu he still isn't on his toes to go back to the tattoo artist to get at longhorn, tonight's special: great steak pairings. a center cut sirloin with a choice of bacon-wrapped shrimp, baby back ribs, or parmesan crusted chicken. you can't fake steak. longhorn steakhouse. you can't fake steak. sure, you could buy this. but why miss out on this? warm up with pillsbury. at progresso, we are now using 100% antibiotic and hormone-free white breast meat chicken in all our chicken soups! it's almost 454. it is deathly going to be a different world. let's enjoy been mid-september warmth today with temperatures gradually climbing and spicy downlly th
president-elect is expected to go back on the road and resurrect the rally t plano hit swing states that help elece him president. and picked out on the election of donald trump will be with him foreverti. so confident that hillary clinton would win the election he ill placed a bet with a budd. promise to get his face tattoo if they actually want this week they cut this so-called th standing down his back. related to know you are trumps state this is the stupidestu he still isn't on his toes to...
Nov 10, 2016
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you may have friends or family who have joked about moving to canada depending on the outcome of the elec kidding. a south carolina realtor's advertisement to help people sell their homes and move to canada went viral. the billboard's were put up back in august and now months later-- business is booming. as soon as election results started coming in, so did the calls to keff cook real estate. agents have there is more coming up.. we are following breaking news in chinatown.. where police are investigating a shooting. we'll have a live update coming up. plus, more on the anti-trump protests that shut down roads and highways in at least a dozen cities. complete coverage-- coming up at the top of the fios is not cable. we're wired differently. that means incredibly fast 150 meg internet for the holidays. so in the 3.7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record, fly, gary, fly. stream it... ...while his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder. get 150 meg internet, tv and phone for just 79.99 per month online for the first year. rising. thousands of protesters taki
you may have friends or family who have joked about moving to canada depending on the outcome of the elec kidding. a south carolina realtor's advertisement to help people sell their homes and move to canada went viral. the billboard's were put up back in august and now months later-- business is booming. as soon as election results started coming in, so did the calls to keff cook real estate. agents have there is more coming up.. we are following breaking news in chinatown.. where police are...
Nov 11, 2016
eye 396
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fren al edific de inmracion sanfrancio contrlas deportiones, lo que esta ocasioel paisiene copresidte elecorganizio n mujereunidas23:07 spues destaseleccies el msaje esue el miedo nos va paralir 23;10 el predente ecto ha cho que corolar lfrontera r y la inmigrion indumentadson parte sus prridadesincluydo la dortaciode indocuntados n antecentes criminale.. 25:00 esas la socion pa los la imera ca esdeport nuestrsoluciode la comunidad r rehabitaciontener procesjusto yebido para tas las milias 25:10 hace 9 mes estan manose inmigrion la ja de lluz obregosu hijasta deteni6:55 bien rsus tres jos medicen ando vie mami,uiero a mami:02 ante laosibilid de quhistors como tas se elvan mas frecuentes dantla nuevadministracn, tos grus comunitar empiez a organizarse luis angel/agado deinmigrion 22:34 no tamos s poder te paisen estamanos einmigrte tienmuchopoder y lo nemos q usar 22:40 john roecentro politicasel inmiante11;07 cualqur esfueo para intent amplialas deportiones temos que resnder couna preon politi a una cala sumente masivapara der no 11;18 nilo khonsar/ogada dinmigracion14;30 con das nueras vo
fren al edific de inmracion sanfrancio contrlas deportiones, lo que esta ocasioel paisiene copresidte elecorganizio n mujereunidas23:07 spues destaseleccies el msaje esue el miedo nos va paralir 23;10 el predente ecto ha cho que corolar lfrontera r y la inmigrion indumentadson parte sus prridadesincluydo la dortaciode indocuntados n antecentes criminale.. 25:00 esas la socion pa los la imera ca esdeport nuestrsoluciode la comunidad r rehabitaciontener procesjusto yebido para tas las milias...
Nov 17, 2016
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que cuch quel presidte elec. trumples iba a itar laciudadania aoniÑos nidosaqu..sapoe selos puede quit? importte tener el aporte r si aco? diana livespt boxesvo fulllidia.uatemalca llamdesde solanoellatiene la va "u" yuiere ser qu posilidadetiene dpermaner aqu con estvisa?ice quetiene cho mie que coel nuevo presidentee la quen y ladeporten. diana livsplit xes vo ful take cesar mrecuerde q si tie preguns sobre ingracin,uede llamars al 408-944813 cesar/fs---les recdos que Ñanahabr un foomunitao en laplaza de la rencia xicana ubicaden la 10 de la anidaalumrock, el evto serantre 6 8 de la noc ... take vo / lon--- una aicacin il trat de evitarumexican en estadounidos,ean vctas de fraude abuso materimigratia ---se mostram.. take vo / sar --- quice el jo de plo escobasobre efuturo colombia en minutono s eprda la gunda parte un reptaje especial tierrade pablescobar --- gabriel lecerro segundjoranaddel hexagol finale la coacafrumbo al muial de sia 201ademastake spos vlos equos de lliga mxa se preparan ra dispar la uima joranda del ro aperta los detalles en pors. cesar/take
que cuch quel presidte elec. trumples iba a itar laciudadania aoniÑos nidosaqu..sapoe selos puede quit? importte tener el aporte r si aco? diana livespt boxesvo fulllidia.uatemalca llamdesde solanoellatiene la va "u" yuiere ser qu posilidadetiene dpermaner aqu con estvisa?ice quetiene cho mie que coel nuevo presidentee la quen y ladeporten. diana livsplit xes vo ful take cesar mrecuerde q si tie preguns sobre ingracin,uede llamars al 408-944813 cesar/fs---les recdos que Ñanahabr un...
Nov 5, 2016
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that is about 60% of what the projected elec tore at witorate. >> thank you very much, from florida. let's talk more about this with our political commentator, bernstein. alice burns is with us and margaret hoover, a sight in yellow, a republican consultant. she does not support donald trump. thank you for being here. >> gents, if you had yellow suits on, i would be complimenting you too. >> carl, let me begin with you. you say hillary clinton and you wrote the book on her, is best when she is in warrior mode. was that warrior mode clinton? why is she best like that? >> she gets into a zone in which she knows what she has to do, she is focused, she is calm and she is destructive of the other object of her destruction. i think we've been seeing it the last few years -- the last few days. what we are also seeing, though, is somebody who realizes she is on the edge of becoming the president of the united states. it's within her grasp. the polls that we are going to talk about seem from internal polling by her campaign, by trump's campaign as well to be accurate and they are really the t
that is about 60% of what the projected elec tore at witorate. >> thank you very much, from florida. let's talk more about this with our political commentator, bernstein. alice burns is with us and margaret hoover, a sight in yellow, a republican consultant. she does not support donald trump. thank you for being here. >> gents, if you had yellow suits on, i would be complimenting you too. >> carl, let me begin with you. you say hillary clinton and you wrote the book on her, is...
Nov 15, 2016
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ests dearacion del presidte elec puedenarcar un tono coiliadorn su meaje? le est dao tranqlidad aquieneviven s documeos en este p? 2. qu pasaraon una miliasin domentos,i el son dedicha familia edeporta por ter antecedente la deportacinnclui al grufamili? 3. cules n lasrecomeacionesue ustele da a las rsoinasin documentos? lorena---quemos quested node su punto vista bre esttema a traves de est pregun deldia.. --- qu opi soe el pl de inmigracidelresiden electo? cont. blan---pa partipar vaya nuestrpagina cebook/lemundo 48 su respsta poda ser comparda al fal del noticiero...---y nolvide ir atelemun48.com nde podconocers sobrel tema nuestra prenta delia... blanca / pvo ---tenos informin de lmo minuto des la ciudade san jos doe una fa de gaalreder de la11 de lmaÑanaoblig la evaccin de residees y corcianteentre la enida pk y la lle race. cont. lorena--- equipoe constccinimpactna tube de gassubterrnea,o que ger unafuga dganatural travs del sistemde drene ---roll cobertu stinge--- tenem berturan equip--- --- sandra rmdez yelissahernndez es en la escena con eiacto que
ests dearacion del presidte elec puedenarcar un tono coiliadorn su meaje? le est dao tranqlidad aquieneviven s documeos en este p? 2. qu pasaraon una miliasin domentos,i el son dedicha familia edeporta por ter antecedente la deportacinnclui al grufamili? 3. cules n lasrecomeacionesue ustele da a las rsoinasin documentos? lorena---quemos quested node su punto vista bre esttema a traves de est pregun deldia.. --- qu opi soe el pl de inmigracidelresiden electo? cont. blan---pa partipar vaya...
Nov 19, 2016
eye 478
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---estante laamenazadel presidte elec en deptar a los inmigrantes---ricond connuar protegienda los iigranteeormaparte de esta fuzlaboralajo laresolucin adtada enl 2007 en que reafia sucompromisen "no"ompartiinformacicon losgentes inmigraci vo/cesa -la ofina del guacil l ndado dsanta cra busca posibles vctas de fude migratoo... ---agentearrestan a ''jes lopez'' l pasad25 de octubre porresr servicode inmigracide rma ilel y estiman quunas l persos podran har so vctim de estafas ---ms adelte nuesa compañera ''ndra beudez'' nos revelar o opera estapersona en baha. blanca---es "viers dinmigraon" ynos acompa la ogada eerta en inmigrin "patcia castorena take 2-box---bues tardepatrici... ---mars alvar nos lla desde n francco, es salvadeÑo y hace ms den aÑoufri den asaltoiolento denuncel hecho a la policapuede sicitaralgn to de vi que le permitar tar leg en el is? abogado livspt boxesvo full ---jesus nosontta desdsanta rosa yos di que su esposa fue rtada ena frontera 2008 ya deportaronero reires.,jess eresiden y cuen queantes que ella eraeportad el haba inicdo trmiteara pedirla . qopcios tienepara ayu
---estante laamenazadel presidte elec en deptar a los inmigrantes---ricond connuar protegienda los iigranteeormaparte de esta fuzlaboralajo laresolucin adtada enl 2007 en que reafia sucompromisen "no"ompartiinformacicon losgentes inmigraci vo/cesa -la ofina del guacil l ndado dsanta cra busca posibles vctas de fude migratoo... ---agentearrestan a ''jes lopez'' l pasad25 de octubre porresr servicode inmigracide rma ilel y estiman quunas l persos podran har so vctim de estafas ---ms...
Nov 17, 2016
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cesar --- esto sp que elpresidte elec donaldrumpanuncia su plapara dertar cea detres mlones dindocumeadosnal------ jazive pz nos ala --- take pkg :01 bann:08 cldia :23 edrdi 1:11 jive 1:25 muel "estam contig le dicel gobier mexica a los conaciales quviven eestadounidos hoy tien miedo lo que pua pasarsuper=laudia iz massu / cancilr mexica ) inq=. "vos a esr cercae los." desde q donaldrunp ga las eleeccione el msaje deos funcionariode esteais se dirigido aransmit tranquilid a alej el panico deucompatrtas .. precisamentearallo , lsecretaria drelionesexterioreanunc un plade apoyo. .super=eduar sancz / voco presideia mexi inq=..pa darles inforción que conozc la redonsularás grandeel mund concentradan 11 ntos, lestrategia pond en mara a traves lambajadaexicanay sus 50 coulas y contempla.difundir ecentro formaci de ateión a mexicas, actir un nuro (1800)que estará dispible la4 horas mentar uso dea aplición móvil consulm y aumentala prescia deconsulos móvis y sobruedaspero ademas preveempliar número horariel tráme dematríca consul pasaptes , aas de nacimito y asoríasfinancras. rerzar eliálogocon l
cesar --- esto sp que elpresidte elec donaldrumpanuncia su plapara dertar cea detres mlones dindocumeadosnal------ jazive pz nos ala --- take pkg :01 bann:08 cldia :23 edrdi 1:11 jive 1:25 muel "estam contig le dicel gobier mexica a los conaciales quviven eestadounidos hoy tien miedo lo que pua pasarsuper=laudia iz massu / cancilr mexica ) inq=. "vos a esr cercae los." desde q donaldrunp ga las eleeccione el msaje deos funcionariode esteais se dirigido aransmit tranquilid a alej...
Nov 22, 2016
eye 413
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reveal --nadie estalvo, epresidte elec da a cocerlo quehar el dde suoma de posesi que poria en esgoelsas de traj.. --esto y ma en viva las oe. fs 1 --- papa fncisco rmitira los cerdoteabsolver a jeresue hayaabortado preguntos su opinin aleecto...--- lupitaherlyn ment:"nada acuerd esto yser como aos asesinos: q sin cometndo sus crmenes dejao as co que no pa nada. estoy da de acuerd fs--- mao cruz ntiago escrib "el ni que peona pecadoes dio lo quest dicido este hbre es e asesin a los bebs" ... --- grias a tos por s comentario.. m 2 anchor...no olvidee escrirnosal coro "notiero t 4arrobatelemuo puntoom" ...anchor--- y si tie u histor que contarnos llnoal 408 4 4813. anchorgracias r acomparnos, s dejamocon el ticieronacional de lemundo. --- ♪ (music) ♪ . >> hoy en "noticiero telemundo". 60 millones de personas bajo el impacto de la primera gran tormenta de la temporada accidentes mortales escuelas cerradas y el temor de muchos de no llegar a tiempo a la cena de acciÓn de gracias. >> estoy de acuerdo porque todos cometemos errores. >> no estoy si tomÓ esa decisiÓn. >> catÓlicos divididos a
reveal --nadie estalvo, epresidte elec da a cocerlo quehar el dde suoma de posesi que poria en esgoelsas de traj.. --esto y ma en viva las oe. fs 1 --- papa fncisco rmitira los cerdoteabsolver a jeresue hayaabortado preguntos su opinin aleecto...--- lupitaherlyn ment:"nada acuerd esto yser como aos asesinos: q sin cometndo sus crmenes dejao as co que no pa nada. estoy da de acuerd fs--- mao cruz ntiago escrib "el ni que peona pecadoes dio lo quest dicido este hbre es e asesin a los...
Nov 11, 2016
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president elec that we now are going to -- want to do everything we can to help you succeed because if you succeed the could you want real succeeds. >> reporter: trump cleared to top secrets. >> discussed a lot of different situations some wonderful >> obama called trump unfit. today trumped he will keep seek obama's council. >> mr. president an honor being with you and i look forward to being with you many, many more types in the future. >> calling obama a good man. trump talked legislative action with senate republican mcconnell trump campaign now on board. >> hit the ground run to make sure we get this country turned around and make it great again. >> weather it is health care or immigration -- report are the the new boss in washington i'm going the spot that he will dream. the transition team for the president elect moves from trump tower tohi month. they will work on who gets all the big jobs in the trump administration. >> jim: stung images hope it helps heal the divisiveness and the protest we are seeing. i ask we sa melania trump and she had a meeting with the first lady? >> i
president elec that we now are going to -- want to do everything we can to help you succeed because if you succeed the could you want real succeeds. >> reporter: trump cleared to top secrets. >> discussed a lot of different situations some wonderful >> obama called trump unfit. today trumped he will keep seek obama's council. >> mr. president an honor being with you and i look forward to being with you many, many more types in the future. >> calling obama a good...
Nov 11, 2016
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arrestostake next vid cer --- los manifesns muestrasu preocupaciplo que podra r la ltica del presente elecntes e inmigrantes tenn futuro incierto --- cesar --- imges en vi desde baltimordonde decas de personasiguen manifestando sualest tras las eleccionesresidciales . blanca ad lib blanca---conti las prostas a lolargo dea baha...ras la victoriae ---continan lasrottas a lolargo dea baha...ras la victoriae nald trum cer ---hoy esdiaes de vars preparatoas la baha ---continan las otestas lo rgo de baha... as la victoriae donald trump. cesa---hoy estudians de rias preparatoriase la ha se tomaron las lles... ---muchos dell gritarona frase "no es mpsidente".take 2boxes ---vamos con and brenderdesde haard... --ndrs hablasteon los jven. qu dijeron?. take andres lo 0; 01 andres0 ;10 0 ;41 1;20 2 ;57 anes ke lotme dijer que tien miedo aque famias se sepen, quevean a sus amos ser dertados...incluso e el racio aunte...multitudinariaresta estudianl en san ancisco... estas son tomas are y aqu esn frente edificio del ferry embarcero... mientrasa polica enta a cualquiealtercadoel orden pblico..los manifesn
arrestostake next vid cer --- los manifesns muestrasu preocupaciplo que podra r la ltica del presente elecntes e inmigrantes tenn futuro incierto --- cesar --- imges en vi desde baltimordonde decas de personasiguen manifestando sualest tras las eleccionesresidciales . blanca ad lib blanca---conti las prostas a lolargo dea baha...ras la victoriae ---continan lasrottas a lolargo dea baha...ras la victoriae nald trum cer ---hoy esdiaes de vars preparatoas la baha ---continan las otestas lo rgo de...
Nov 29, 2016
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now iowa women are preparing to make their voices heard after president-elect donald trump won the elec >>> right now iowa women are prepared to make their voices heard after donald trump won the election. hundreds of thousands of women planned through facebook generating more than two than five hundred thousand shares. "it's motivated people to really see that they have a place in the united states, they are citizens that have a voice."for iowans who can't attend the event in the nation's capitol - organizers are hoping to walk from the iowa women of achievement bridge in downtown des moines - to the steps on the west side of the state capitol. a team of law enforcement professionals from across the country is coming to take a look at the operations of the mellaney mooreis live in iowa city to tell us what that means. they'll get here sunday and stay three days as they speak with the department and the community.the department tells us this gives them access to the most current and best police policies from across the country.they say this helps the department provide better service.th
now iowa women are preparing to make their voices heard after president-elect donald trump won the elec >>> right now iowa women are prepared to make their voices heard after donald trump won the election. hundreds of thousands of women planned through facebook generating more than two than five hundred thousand shares. "it's motivated people to really see that they have a place in the united states, they are citizens that have a voice."for iowans who can't attend the event...
Nov 23, 2016
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over traditional, material gifts.consumer experts say gifts like elecic someone a vacation .. those memories last forever. companies like "if-only" and "viator" curate adventures and outings: "you can gift not just certificate specific adventures like hot air balloon ride, you don't have to give entire vacation you can just give part of it." air-b-n-b just launched "trips" --- experiences hosted by local experts that could include a culinary experience, a concert or even a surf sharing details on how the crew will spend thanksgiving on board the international space station."so of course we're going to have, our foods a little different so, here's our turkey right here, so it's in a pouch we're going to heat this up and it's going to taste really good just like you're having at home. a few more items, we got cherry blueberry cobbler for dessert, so that's going to be awesome" of course, no than complete without football. kimbrough says mission control will send up some live games for the crew to watch up next on live at daybreak on today's tmj4--the milwaukee bucks player whose
over traditional, material gifts.consumer experts say gifts like elecic someone a vacation .. those memories last forever. companies like "if-only" and "viator" curate adventures and outings: "you can gift not just certificate specific adventures like hot air balloon ride, you don't have to give entire vacation you can just give part of it." air-b-n-b just launched "trips" --- experiences hosted by local experts that could include a culinary experience, a...
Nov 4, 2016
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of course, the election day forecast the all important elec d >> bill, thank you, look forward to that. should we be bracing ourselves for voter day chaos? an nbc investigation says sources are deeply concerned and preparing for some sort of cyber chaos. more on those details in two minutes. e it knew an ordinary tissue was near. the fiery tissue left her nose sore and red. so dad slayed the problem with puffs plus lotion, instead. don't get burned by ordinary tissues. a nose in need deserves puffs, indeed. now get puffs plus lotion in the squeezable softpack. the pursuit of healthier. it begins from the second we're born. because, healthier doesn't happen all by itself. it needs to be earned every day. using wellness to keep away illness. and believing a single life can be made better by millions of others. as a health services and innovation company odern healthcare by connecting every part of it. so while the world keeps searching for healthier we're here to make healthier happen. the easiest decision you'll make all week with an extra 10 percent off and an extra 10 dollars off your
of course, the election day forecast the all important elec d >> bill, thank you, look forward to that. should we be bracing ourselves for voter day chaos? an nbc investigation says sources are deeply concerned and preparing for some sort of cyber chaos. more on those details in two minutes. e it knew an ordinary tissue was near. the fiery tissue left her nose sore and red. so dad slayed the problem with puffs plus lotion, instead. don't get burned by ordinary tissues. a nose in need...
Nov 12, 2016
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--y es que agreso hace referencia que trp, el presidte elec se enrgara de manrla deregreso a sua. a elly a muchos otroseazas minoritarias lorena--mabro desbrimien en oaklan.. estaadrugadlos bomberos uden un inceio y encuentraa trepersonamuertasta vo --afuera dla vivida hallon el cuerpo un home apuÑalado,ientrasue adeno estabados mujes con heridas dba, adem de lesiones nrma blaa. --la poli inteoga a u mujer que priastar viuladacon el imen. cesar ---se gistra ra balara en una caetera d este dla bahia.unaersa saliolesionada.yaialidadue cerrada p comple generao congestionaento vehiculajusto aa hora que laente ibsaliendde sustrabaj. lorenatake boxessandra bmudez ea en vaejo con lodetalle sandraue paso? take sdra lot 0:010:201:35(sandra)pues eoy aqu un ladoe lacarreta 80 ruo al es. esta ela sali a ameran canyonoad.ahori puede r que todo voio a laormalid..ya se abrron tod los cailes. pero en esaireccioquedo eauto de laictima spues dque alguien sparara. (vo)de acudo a laatrullae caminode calirnia unjoven de us 20 an de edaresidente vallej iba circulao eun mercez benzcolor blaouando auien
--y es que agreso hace referencia que trp, el presidte elec se enrgara de manrla deregreso a sua. a elly a muchos otroseazas minoritarias lorena--mabro desbrimien en oaklan.. estaadrugadlos bomberos uden un inceio y encuentraa trepersonamuertasta vo --afuera dla vivida hallon el cuerpo un home apuÑalado,ientrasue adeno estabados mujes con heridas dba, adem de lesiones nrma blaa. --la poli inteoga a u mujer que priastar viuladacon el imen. cesar ---se gistra ra balara en una caetera d este dla...
Nov 11, 2016
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some of them claimed the whole elec p . >> we don't want regressive policies and we don't want regressive people in office and we need to examine things like the electoral college >> the protests in ybor city remained peaceful appeared no one was taken into custody. >>> well, the transition of power from president obama to president elect donald trump is in the works. the 2 men met at the white house in what was described as productive and cordial. >> i want to do everything we if you second seed then the country succeeds. >> it was a great honor to meet with you. >> after meeting with president obama mr. trump headed to capitol hill, there he met with congressional leaders. in the coming days and weeks we're anticipating learning more specifics about the president elect's agenda in his first 100 days. >>> time now 5:35, this morning usf police are investigating a series of ria campus the most recent the threat involving the election. now, as you can imagine students are on edge. we're joined now live from the campus in tampa. what are police, and what's the university doing about the sit
some of them claimed the whole elec p . >> we don't want regressive policies and we don't want regressive people in office and we need to examine things like the electoral college >> the protests in ybor city remained peaceful appeared no one was taken into custody. >>> well, the transition of power from president obama to president elect donald trump is in the works. the 2 men met at the white house in what was described as productive and cordial. >> i want to do...
Nov 15, 2016
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take vo/lona --milles depoados...l presidte elec anuncisu planmigratorio,itras laatrullafronterizagrega ofiales enla fronta a parr de ho.. take vo/le--ante elnuncio deportiones dinmigraes indocuntados,canad rece unopcin pa mexicas... take vo/lora intensoerremotcausa gves daÑos nueva zenda ydeja a eanimalevaradosn lo quentes erun mont.. take ga li take angel le --ojala estireible storia no le de mhsed.... vo --porque l ientes metenen barriles pletos cerveza paraejorar salud,--lo hacen emexo y en n solo unos muto a las y 18 minutos dla noch..lestraemoea embriantehistoria. --en oj abiert histors asombrosas. en seent le--telendo 48 sponde ud auna tevidenterecuper s udinero lue e una cpaÑatelefnicaefrecieruna mejor ofertaue la q tena. --pero cuan scambi anuevo servici lampresa cumpli colo ofredo. --arlen fendez , entanoscunto nero leyudó a recobrtelemundo 48 esta tevidenttake pkg :05 :12 :20 snipe 1:49arleintro le ayumos a robrar 3dlares qulaompaÑa t&t prometi dle al fmar uncontrato conllos, vmos. take pkg00:03:42 " viue telendo 48respon ha ayudo y aya a ciertacosas que uno no be qué cer". y
take vo/lona --milles depoados...l presidte elec anuncisu planmigratorio,itras laatrullafronterizagrega ofiales enla fronta a parr de ho.. take vo/le--ante elnuncio deportiones dinmigraes indocuntados,canad rece unopcin pa mexicas... take vo/lora intensoerremotcausa gves daÑos nueva zenda ydeja a eanimalevaradosn lo quentes erun mont.. take ga li take angel le --ojala estireible storia no le de mhsed.... vo --porque l ientes metenen barriles pletos cerveza paraejorar salud,--lo hacen emexo y...
Nov 23, 2016
eye 449
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-una brica centera mxico iere veer el merial para lconstruin del ro frontezo propsto porl presidte eleca e lacodicia ntiene lites? take vo/cesa--pao escob es recdadocomo el po que yor daÑy muertecaus ecolombi.. peroara miles de famiasfue su salvador asegun los s de la pobrez.. take gaby le take angel le --el go que va a contincion pace de oo mundo. vo --nie imaga lo quhizo antes ser reatado dun poste electricid. algoincreie...--que no lden gatpor liee asi que edese c nosotrporque en miticos..--11 y 15 la noc vera evivo ea insola histoa enojosabiertos hstoriassombros... end segme cam pan lona cleburne, xas, aresg su vida paraalvar ana persa inconscien dentroe un au a punto de iendiars -- el agen acudi la llama de emergena y al tar quel sujeto no sndia, aio la puerta deladoel pasaro yarrastrl hombrhasta ulugar segu minut despueel auto fueonsumidpor elfuego. cesar ---si gustanas pelilas deterror se crecapaz ddescifrar lapistas s fciles. quizasl cuartdel pnico es ra uste---es un jgo que da la oportunid de resver cmoescapar de ucuao que pece embrujo y dndal finalo esperaun canbal.---"dinorap
-una brica centera mxico iere veer el merial para lconstruin del ro frontezo propsto porl presidte eleca e lacodicia ntiene lites? take vo/cesa--pao escob es recdadocomo el po que yor daÑy muertecaus ecolombi.. peroara miles de famiasfue su salvador asegun los s de la pobrez.. take gaby le take angel le --el go que va a contincion pace de oo mundo. vo --nie imaga lo quhizo antes ser reatado dun poste electricid. algoincreie...--que no lden gatpor liee asi que edese c nosotrporque en...
Nov 19, 2016
eye 462
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---esto ate las enazas l presidte elec en deptar a los inmigrtes.---richmondontinuaprotegiendo los inmrantes indocumentad e formaparte de esta fueaaboral jo laresolucin aptadan el 20 en que reafma sucompromi en "nocompartinformacinon los entes dinmigracin lorena---la eccin ddonald ump como predente ea tenieo unimpacten la va de unran nmero person y nosolo por el m a las deportacione.cesar ---pilar ni nocuenta storia un maero quieesperaue no sean ess las uimas cles que dia... es es unahistor quesolo ver..roll solo stger ...por telundo 48.. take pilar p ;01 banner;19 dil 40 snip1;19 jsica1;33 par dilan draza/mstro deingles0:53 prero no rmi esta f la noc en queonald trump e electpresidee de s estad unidos.al diasiguiee como y dilane parofrente los nis a dicr suclase.. 11:40 mo que me saln las palabr 11:42ya hab habladcon ell lo que poblementsignifiban los resultados las eccione.. 12;15 desfortunamente ahorittengo mdo de q vengaenero febrero, y ynpueda ear frente ustede porquestoy en perso de tbajo 12:26 dilaes graddo en cncias politica y gracs al progr
---esto ate las enazas l presidte elec en deptar a los inmigrtes.---richmondontinuaprotegiendo los inmrantes indocumentad e formaparte de esta fueaaboral jo laresolucin aptadan el 20 en que reafma sucompromi en "nocompartinformacinon los entes dinmigracin lorena---la eccin ddonald ump como predente ea tenieo unimpacten la va de unran nmero person y nosolo por el m a las deportacione.cesar ---pilar ni nocuenta storia un maero quieesperaue no sean ess las uimas cles que dia... es es...
Nov 3, 2016
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now at this early morning hour in the midwes move on to politics because we're five days away from elec elections, and candidates looking to convince sporters in state after state that every vote counts. >> they are both headed to battleground north carolina today continuing to criss cross the country as they each roll out an army of surrogates. our latest national poll is tighter than ever with trump and clinton tied at 46%. >> pennsylvania, clinton is in ohio thanks to his appeal to working class voters across that state. they are neck and neck in florida with a slight edge for clinton of the all of those numbers are within the margin of error. >> clinton spoke to 15,000 cheering supporters in tempe, arizona last night, one of her biggest crowds ever, hoping to win over the traditionally republican state reminding voters that her husband was the only presidential candidate to turn arizona blue in the past 60-plus years and support from hispanic voters disenchanted with trump plus every group he's insulted. >> imagine having a president who demeans women, mocks the disabled, insults la
now at this early morning hour in the midwes move on to politics because we're five days away from elec elections, and candidates looking to convince sporters in state after state that every vote counts. >> they are both headed to battleground north carolina today continuing to criss cross the country as they each roll out an army of surrogates. our latest national poll is tighter than ever with trump and clinton tied at 46%. >> pennsylvania, clinton is in ohio thanks to his appeal...
Nov 11, 2016
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presidcial, utono quno tuvo dante to la camña, ahora lo ha umido yque ha bidoun cambiy ahoras el presidte elecuchose preguan si el exalcaldeeew yorkudolphgiulia podriser fisl generay si dold trumle ordenainvestigaa hilla clinto cesar/fs---lesecordam que elrximo 17 de viembreabr un ro comunirio en plaza la herenc mexica ubicaden la 1700de la avenidalum ck, el eventoera ent 6 y 8 la noche . top vo loren-- la fiscal de cona costapresent carg a un citan retirado de policia oakland, posu suputa participaon enl escanlo sexualue invocra a vios oficias del area dea bahia-- "al per-din"e 81 aÑ es acusado deolicir losservicios dunarostitu. -- seg la fcalia, rrodinadmitio hab pado por a prostita adolcente eun hotel de chmond,l pasado mes febrer cesar -- un tripl choquerente aayuntaento dean jos us la muertee un peon. take v-- unaamionettipo pi up impactun autovil y ufurgoneta deotici. -- una perna qupasaba r ellugar fuetropeada mortalment-- econduct de la mionetafue denido y sospec quepodria har estadconducido intoxicado. -- los ocupaes del che y lfurgoneta notici resultaronlesos. sidemaloren-- mientrasu
presidcial, utono quno tuvo dante to la camña, ahora lo ha umido yque ha bidoun cambiy ahoras el presidte elecuchose preguan si el exalcaldeeew yorkudolphgiulia podriser fisl generay si dold trumle ordenainvestigaa hilla clinto cesar/fs---lesecordam que elrximo 17 de viembreabr un ro comunirio en plaza la herenc mexica ubicaden la 1700de la avenidalum ck, el eventoera ent 6 y 8 la noche . top vo loren-- la fiscal de cona costapresent carg a un citan retirado de policia oakland, posu suputa...
Nov 21, 2016
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. >>> tomorrow the president-elec& will head to his florida estate for the thanksgiving holiday. the transition team has 4,000 federal jobs to fill before mr. trump will take the oath of office in 60 days. >> and with all that's happened this year how do you avoid debate at your thanksgiving dinner. >> jen picciano getting answers on separating politics from time with family and friends. >> reporter: this thanksgiving some will stir the pot with gravy as politics will surely come up at dinner tables. >> i was asked if it hurt if i was a sore loser by grandma. >> and will you be talking politics? >> no. >> because i am still in shock over the election. >> it's something to avoid. >> family counselor says when it is time to set the table over the holiday it is time to set some goals. >> it is their goal to be a peacemaker. is their goal to be kind? is their goal to be generous and their goal to make this a good 95-years-old. >> she said discuss it ahead of time with spouses and kids old enough to the family dimic and strategize. >> will i get more gravy and pace myself and arrive o
. >>> tomorrow the president-elec& will head to his florida estate for the thanksgiving holiday. the transition team has 4,000 federal jobs to fill before mr. trump will take the oath of office in 60 days. >> and with all that's happened this year how do you avoid debate at your thanksgiving dinner. >> jen picciano getting answers on separating politics from time with family and friends. >> reporter: this thanksgiving some will stir the pot with gravy as politics...
Nov 26, 2016
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specific advice where president-elec >>> president-elect trump and the republicans will have control of the congress and the white house. they should use this to shrink the budget and they know where to do. steve, you start with some low hanging fruit. >> you can dismantle the housing apartment, hud, you could do that in six months. that would be a huge savings. the weather service and commerce department, privatize that. how about these labs in the energy department, privatize those. procurement in the defense department needs updating. >> we're talking tens of billions of dollars. >> also i love how washington is always telling wall street about mergers and companies about mergers. how about they merge their multitude training programs, multitude of economic development programs, they could collapse those and stop government union workers from home on union things. >> what have you go the? >> i would start by not engaging in a $1 trillion infrastructure spending plan. we should reign entitlements. there's a lot of support among women for that issue. we should repeal and replace oba
specific advice where president-elec >>> president-elect trump and the republicans will have control of the congress and the white house. they should use this to shrink the budget and they know where to do. steve, you start with some low hanging fruit. >> you can dismantle the housing apartment, hud, you could do that in six months. that would be a huge savings. the weather service and commerce department, privatize that. how about these labs in the energy department, privatize...
Nov 1, 2016
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. >>> 46 states have asked the department of homeland security for help protecting their elec threats. concerns about on election infrastructure have increased this election cycle, especially after accusations from donald trump. experts say it would be extremely difficult to alter national elections. >>> in nevada, both parties are getting out the vote. the latest polls in nevada put the race between hillary clinton and donald trump at a tie. the head of the clinton campaign campaign's headquarters in brooklyn. >> this race is gonna be very close in nevada. we call nevada a battleground state for a reason. we have worked so hard to organize there because we think it will come down to the wire. our message to every nevada is get out and vote. >> speaking of voting, early voting runs until friday. the election is, of course, next tuesday. you can stay with news 3, your cw news and news3lv.com for complete coverage on election night. we will have come in. nationally and locally on news 3 and the cw las vegas channel 33, cable 6. we'll be updating our website and our social media platform
. >>> 46 states have asked the department of homeland security for help protecting their elec threats. concerns about on election infrastructure have increased this election cycle, especially after accusations from donald trump. experts say it would be extremely difficult to alter national elections. >>> in nevada, both parties are getting out the vote. the latest polls in nevada put the race between hillary clinton and donald trump at a tie. the head of the clinton campaign...
Nov 8, 2016
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> reporter: russia has figured prominently with allegations of hacking and trying to influence the elec publicly court candidates. israel's prime minister has kept his options open, meeting with both. while north korea's state media indicated that country would lean trump. are people here paying more attention to this election that years past? >> yes, i think so. >> reporter: the vp of news at italy's sky tg 24. >> reporter: today, they say they're dedicating more and more air time to the campaign. >> we have two candidates that are so different. more opposed. >> reporter: and britain's sky news is promoting its coverage with a spoof. ? ? that's it's me t-r-u-m-p ? ? >> reporter: that pit the candidates against each other in a boxing ring. ? the campaign is more dead than the guinea pig you wear on your head ? >> reporter: but in real life, this match has gotten ugly. hassan rouhani asked iranians is this, the kind of democracy you want? in china where the ruling communist party often speaks through state media a recent the notion reveal defects of democracy adding the selection of u.s.
> reporter: russia has figured prominently with allegations of hacking and trying to influence the elec publicly court candidates. israel's prime minister has kept his options open, meeting with both. while north korea's state media indicated that country would lean trump. are people here paying more attention to this election that years past? >> yes, i think so. >> reporter: the vp of news at italy's sky tg 24. >> reporter: today, they say they're dedicating more and more...
Nov 17, 2016
eye 472
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.-- esto desp que el presidte elec donaldrumpanuncia su plan pa deporr cercae tres millonedeindocumentadiorialcriminal. -- la secreta de reciones exteriores ancio unlan de apo. take so"pardarles formaci y la protecón de lred de consulos más ande demundo"cont vo lena-- ent estos anes seencuentr difund el ceno de informan de atcin amexicas, actir un nuro "uno800" quear dispible la4 horas,omentarl uso dla aplicac mvil "consulm" y aumentala prescia deconsuladosviles . cesar/f---les recormos q maÑanahabr un fo comutario ela plaza de la rencia xicana ubicaden la 10 de lavenidaalumrock, eventoera ent 6 y 8de la che ... take vo/lore--ms d4 mil psonas mieron durantla guer de colombia c pablo esbar.. lhermana mor del po de cos nos cuentcual esinatoarc el princio l fin, l narcotficante. take vo/car --de hmano a roe... niÑo asegurfue dioquien lempujopara svar a shermanicuandoaa en udescuidde sus padres... take vo/le--aumenta lctidad ddrogaque intent uzar deexico a estas unido.. y ofiales dicen e hay ucambio el tipo dpersonaque arrsgan sulibertad p dinero take gabyive take angel le ---- mha atenon po
.-- esto desp que el presidte elec donaldrumpanuncia su plan pa deporr cercae tres millonedeindocumentadiorialcriminal. -- la secreta de reciones exteriores ancio unlan de apo. take so"pardarles formaci y la protecón de lred de consulos más ande demundo"cont vo lena-- ent estos anes seencuentr difund el ceno de informan de atcin amexicas, actir un nuro "uno800" quear dispible la4 horas,omentarl uso dla aplicac mvil "consulm" y aumentala prescia deconsuladosviles...
Nov 24, 2016
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and experience among them are previous critics of the president-elecic so far have in common. president-elect donald trump releasted a video message for thanksgiving this afternoon. he acknowledged he won a bruising election and encouraged unity. >> it is my prayer we begin to heal our divisions and move forward as one country strengthened by shared purpose and very, very common resoever. >> reporter: he announced two elect trump's offer to be the next u.s. secretary of education following their weekend meeting at his golf club in new jersey. in a statement, mr. trump described her as a brilliant and passionate education advocate. the 58-year-old from michigan is a long time republican donor who is is a charter school advocate. the president-elect selected south carolina governor nikki haley for u.s. ambassador to e proven track record of bringing people together. another foe turned friend, dr. ben carson, is under consideration for secretary of housing and urban development. mr. trump and vice president- elect mike pents have held more than 60 meetings with white house staffe
and experience among them are previous critics of the president-elecic so far have in common. president-elect donald trump releasted a video message for thanksgiving this afternoon. he acknowledged he won a bruising election and encouraged unity. >> it is my prayer we begin to heal our divisions and move forward as one country strengthened by shared purpose and very, very common resoever. >> reporter: he announced two elect trump's offer to be the next u.s. secretary of education...
Nov 11, 2016
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his transition not so another night of protest against president-elec president-elect trump. in philadelphia and new york they marched. >> these people, unfortunately, they have to get over the results. he won. he won. >> reporter: trump tasked with uniting the country tweeted, just had a very open and successful presidential election. now professional protesters incited by the media are protesting. very unfair. but as another trump from four we can't let this happen. we should march on washington and stop this travesty. a different tone yesterday as a more humble president-elect met with president obama for the first time at the white house. >> most of all, i want to emphasize to you mr. president-elect that we now are going are going to want to do everything we can to help you succeed bau then the country succeeds. >> we discussed a lot of different situations, some wonderful and some difficulties. i very much look forward to dealing with the president in the future. >> reporter: trump made the rounds on capitol hill meeting with top gop officials and house speaker paul rya
his transition not so another night of protest against president-elec president-elect trump. in philadelphia and new york they marched. >> these people, unfortunately, they have to get over the results. he won. he won. >> reporter: trump tasked with uniting the country tweeted, just had a very open and successful presidential election. now professional protesters incited by the media are protesting. very unfair. but as another trump from four we can't let this happen. we should...
Nov 16, 2016
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in the mediterranean sea, but despite international condemnation of russia's actions, the president-elecs and would end american support for syrian rebels. in syria's multi-sided conflict, scott, that could ultimately benefit russia's ally, the syrian regime, which has been bombing its own people for more than four years. >> pelley: holly williams reporting from istanbul tonight. holly, thank you. in another important story, a st. anthony, minnesota, police officer, was charged with traffic stop. the girlfriend of the victim, philando castile, live streamed the aftermath on facebook. jamie yuccas is in st. paul. >> the use of deadly force by officer yanez was not justified. >> reporter: prosecutor john choi today said that philando castile was shot seven times by officer jeronimo yanez less than a minute after being pulled over. castile's girlfriend was in the car >> oh, my god. please don't tell me he's dead. >> castile then calmly and in a non-threatening manner informed officer yanez, "sir, i have to tell you that i do have a firearm on me." >> reporter: according to the criminal compl
in the mediterranean sea, but despite international condemnation of russia's actions, the president-elecs and would end american support for syrian rebels. in syria's multi-sided conflict, scott, that could ultimately benefit russia's ally, the syrian regime, which has been bombing its own people for more than four years. >> pelley: holly williams reporting from istanbul tonight. holly, thank you. in another important story, a st. anthony, minnesota, police officer, was charged with...
Nov 21, 2016
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he's a businessman, he is also the ident-elec and she acknowledged, we're in >> david wright, thank yo >>> p? keeping his twitter accound using it to fight back this against the cast of "hamilto" after their message to vice president-elt mike pence. but mr. pence had a much different reaction himself. and tonight, about mr. trump's nd the "hamilton" cast i now saying. here's abc's mary bruce. ? >> reporter: tonight,onald trump still wants an apology, but now, the star of the broadway hitilton" says there's no apology coming. the esident-elect furious after his number two, mike pence, wasooed at a performance. trump tweeting about it three separate times. the cast new pence was in the audience,aite until after anxious yout new administration will not protect us. >> reporter: trump saying the cast was "very ruled," "harassed pence" and "should immediately apologize." today on the view, "hamilton" star said that's not happening. speak with our electedity to representatives, you must seize that opportunity. >> reporter: trump demanding an apologize after he, himself, has string of campaign
he's a businessman, he is also the ident-elec and she acknowledged, we're in >> david wright, thank yo >>> p? keeping his twitter accound using it to fight back this against the cast of "hamilto" after their message to vice president-elt mike pence. but mr. pence had a much different reaction himself. and tonight, about mr. trump's nd the "hamilton" cast i now saying. here's abc's mary bruce. ? >> reporter: tonight,onald trump still wants an apology, but...
Nov 25, 2016
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the little red cap is imprinted with the trump elec the brass ornament is, of course, finished in 24-karat gold and for 125, that could be yours. many comments on amazon are poking fun at the ornament and its price tag. if you were interested you can find it for sale on trump's web site. >>> this hipster nativity set is giving a run for its money on the most awkward topic. complete with wise men on segways bearing gifts are bun sporting joseph taking a selfie with baby jesus. it is a big hit. orders are throughout roof according to the story. the set's modern nativity said it is selling 500 a day after it launched a week ago. >> stephanie: wow. >>> a lost dog in maine stuck under ground for four days is reunited with their owners. they report the entire co this happy ending a reality. >> yes! >> she is a little feisty. we call her the devil dog of the house. >> reporter: meet moxie, a 6-year-old miniature schnauzer the center of an all-out dog hunt when she and her brother snuck out the gate. >> she is a dog that my mom works with. >> reporter: when moxie returned out her sister in to
the little red cap is imprinted with the trump elec the brass ornament is, of course, finished in 24-karat gold and for 125, that could be yours. many comments on amazon are poking fun at the ornament and its price tag. if you were interested you can find it for sale on trump's web site. >>> this hipster nativity set is giving a run for its money on the most awkward topic. complete with wise men on segways bearing gifts are bun sporting joseph taking a selfie with baby jesus. it is a...
Nov 2, 2016
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pressure of another high-stakes debate, this another high-stakes debate, this one just six days from elec from the college of saint anselm college. tom: our commitment 2016 coverage never stops on wmur.com and on our mobile app. go to our elections section to watch extended clips from tonight's debate. shelley: now to the race for the white house, hillary clinton's former rival bernie sanders says new hampshire voters play a critical role in the presidential race. >> the future of this country may rest on your 4 electoral votes for president. university and dartmouth college campaigning alongside governor hassan. he urged the crowd to make their vote count and says theirs a -- there is a stark difference between clinton and trump on issues. >> the differences between secretary clinton and mr trump are day and night on every major issue facing this country sec -- secretary clinton's positions are far far better for the working class and middle class campaign trail for clinton all week. with events from coast to coast. tom: republican nominee donald trump says a clinton victory will destroy
pressure of another high-stakes debate, this another high-stakes debate, this one just six days from elec from the college of saint anselm college. tom: our commitment 2016 coverage never stops on wmur.com and on our mobile app. go to our elections section to watch extended clips from tonight's debate. shelley: now to the race for the white house, hillary clinton's former rival bernie sanders says new hampshire voters play a critical role in the presidential race. >> the future of this...
Nov 8, 2016
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stay with abc news for all the elec all night starting at 7:00 a.m. and we'll be here with you at 4:00 a.m. eastern time. >>> now to our other top story. a third body has been discovered on property owned by suspected serial killer todd kohlhepp. the real estate agent held without bond after confessing to four murders back in 2003. investigators say it'll be back on his property though the effort scaled back. prosecutors say kohlhepp has been cooperating with the investigation. >>> and right on the heels of new problem to deal with. korean prosecutors raided the company's headquarters this morning as part of an investigation into political corruption. samsung is accused of giving money to the daughter of a close friend of south korea's president. that friend is accused of improperly influencing government affairs. >>> two more incredible stories from overseas. an australian diver recovering from mild hypothermia but this is after he was lost at sea for 18 hours. rescuers said it was like finding a needle in a haystack had they spotted the man. he was
stay with abc news for all the elec all night starting at 7:00 a.m. and we'll be here with you at 4:00 a.m. eastern time. >>> now to our other top story. a third body has been discovered on property owned by suspected serial killer todd kohlhepp. the real estate agent held without bond after confessing to four murders back in 2003. investigators say it'll be back on his property though the effort scaled back. prosecutors say kohlhepp has been cooperating with the investigation....
Nov 21, 2016
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. >> and we take a look at the big winners in lastt-elece ta ng american music awards show. >> as we head to break right hd now live look across the temperature 36 degrees. and the wind is still blowing hard. fox5 now's morning back after'sm you love all-day breakfast. but you don't love that you can't get all your favorites. but now you can get more of what you love. so you can find something else to not love. like hearing the sound of your own voice. (softly) like hearing the sound of your own voice. >> ?? what's trending on w social media this monday morning. >> holly morris standing by with our realtime newshaal mly s tracker. holly. orter: good morning.r: good putin is speaking outt aboutut his recent phone call withall wh president-elect donald trump. at an economic summit in peru p putin said he and trump share an normalizing relations. he says it remains to be seen be how successful trump will be.ilb >>> next up, at that samet s economic summit asia pacific leaders vowed to fight protectionism.otecti >> reporter: in europeter:euro highlighted by brexit underxit scored by dona
. >> and we take a look at the big winners in lastt-elece ta ng american music awards show. >> as we head to break right hd now live look across the temperature 36 degrees. and the wind is still blowing hard. fox5 now's morning back after'sm you love all-day breakfast. but you don't love that you can't get all your favorites. but now you can get more of what you love. so you can find something else to not love. like hearing the sound of your own voice. (softly) like hearing the...
Nov 16, 2016
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y lo atruyenprincilmente quienespoyan al presidte elec donaldtrump.sot t48 sandra sjova riveraresidentee se hanisto cas en eselas, en unirsidade de par de estudites y mstros..el arede la ba no haido laexcepcio.. el iidente s recien al parer ocuro estamanana. en un cindarique se encuena en lolimitese laciudad de sanjose yampbell. t t48 sandraotjavierorales,ictima grafiten su viculo00:56 al1:0alguieme vio dijo, ma unmexica vamos vandalar su auto, lo hieron dante lanoche, me dradaronolo pore mexicano.vo javier moles es udadano estadouninse y agura fuvictima dun cren por color de el...los mensajeque le jaron decian go hom i loverump yusa, va casa, amo trump estadosunidos. inmediatamee ltomo ess fotogrias yas publo en laredes socle.. la moria de la gente lbrindo apoyo t t48 sandra sjavierorales,ictima grafiti esu vehilo 01:55 tos mis igos mestaban diciendo ldesagrable queera esto se oecienroa ayudarme limar mi ao... vo peroambien y quien dicenpor apoyar trump h sido acosados..esta jon de nore wendy zuracc estudite del colegio cunitaride san se dice que han amenazado.. que dee entons rga congo
y lo atruyenprincilmente quienespoyan al presidte elec donaldtrump.sot t48 sandra sjova riveraresidentee se hanisto cas en eselas, en unirsidade de par de estudites y mstros..el arede la ba no haido laexcepcio.. el iidente s recien al parer ocuro estamanana. en un cindarique se encuena en lolimitese laciudad de sanjose yampbell. t t48 sandraotjavierorales,ictima grafiten su viculo00:56 al1:0alguieme vio dijo, ma unmexica vamos vandalar su auto, lo hieron dante lanoche, me dradaronolo pore...
Nov 13, 2016
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crowds prowl the streets, raising their signs and their voices against the president-elec appointing a supreme court justice. >> democracy is about making sure your voice is heard. chuck: from coast to coast, signs of resistance to the populist president. donald trump was out of the public eye for the second day in his manhattan penthouse that now resembles a guardhouse, patrolled by heavily armed put together their administration. >> the mood is excellent. chuck: newt gingrich and former new york mayor rudy giuliani. when will we hear from president-elect trump? >> in the next couple of days. he is enjoying time with his family. he is receiving many visitors. he has been going almost nonstop. that when he is president, he will be more careful about all those tweets. >> i will be very restrained if i use it at all. chuck: jeff stephenson, -- chuck sever stood. nichole: a babson college student is apologizing for taunting female students at nearby wellesley college. edward tomasso and another babson student drove around the all-women's campus the day after the election. wellesley happ
crowds prowl the streets, raising their signs and their voices against the president-elec appointing a supreme court justice. >> democracy is about making sure your voice is heard. chuck: from coast to coast, signs of resistance to the populist president. donald trump was out of the public eye for the second day in his manhattan penthouse that now resembles a guardhouse, patrolled by heavily armed put together their administration. >> the mood is excellent. chuck: newt gingrich and...
Nov 10, 2016
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he showed respect and deference to the president-elect and i think hist-elec message was a smooth t transition of power is more mor important than partisanship. >> corey, what was the tone, wh when you wentat from the bushush administration to the obamathe o administration? i mean, it mea, seemed obviously thated oio decisive victory but it seemed that bush was quiteh w differential nonetheless.onethe. >> he was. the time bush leftt office, his approval ratings were so low, his negativesives were so high and even his own on party was running in that election at every level of the ticket running away from fro george w. bush's legacy. so, in many respects everyoneree was looking at that transitionin as let's just move through tou >> and the big difference herefe is that you have a president prt in his second term who hasas quite a significant approvall rating all things considered. >> he has ronald rig-like rig-lk popularity and i think his think goal, the president, is to use that popularity to show respect for this transition in n power and he's sending message s to all americans to follow to
he showed respect and deference to the president-elect and i think hist-elec message was a smooth t transition of power is more mor important than partisanship. >> corey, what was the tone, wh when you wentat from the bushush administration to the obamathe o administration? i mean, it mea, seemed obviously thated oio decisive victory but it seemed that bush was quiteh w differential nonetheless.onethe. >> he was. the time bush leftt office, his approval ratings were so low, his...
Nov 27, 2016
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and president obama facing some backlash for his official statement.the president-elec president-elect trump pushing back. >>> the deadly rampage in new orleans' french quarter, panic in the streets. one person killed, nine wounded. the hunt for suspects at this hour. >>> and the mystery kidnapping, the mother of two found alive after three weeks. abandoned and tied up on the side of the road. you'll hear the radio call from the first officer on the scene. >>> good eveni >>> good evening. on this sunday night, we come to you from havana, cuba. we're here to witness the end of an era. after the deat after the death of the cuban dictator, fidel castro. he ruled this island nation for 50 years. here in havana, a somber mood. the usually lively city, eerily quiet. in mourning. for cubans with loved ones who fled the brutal regime. tonight, the people of both nations, as you will hear right here, are wondering what happens now? tonight, all across havana, we notice the flags at half-staff. the cubans honoring their longtime leader. and on the streets of the capital, we se capital, we see th
and president obama facing some backlash for his official statement.the president-elec president-elect trump pushing back. >>> the deadly rampage in new orleans' french quarter, panic in the streets. one person killed, nine wounded. the hunt for suspects at this hour. >>> and the mystery kidnapping, the mother of two found alive after three weeks. abandoned and tied up on the side of the road. you'll hear the radio call from the first officer on the scene. >>> good...
Nov 17, 2016
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some kids are just as tired as most adults of seeing people fight over the elec so they are doing something about it. "(addie morlan/ joyologist) "we're trying to like get the drama to go away, but like, it's kind of hard to get everybody to stop." " meet addie... founder of the "joyologist" club at her iowa middle school. the group is trying to spread joy to their classmates, and find ways to reach out to students who are uncomfortable. the joyologists say they wish adults would "grow up," act more like children, and they are trying to do. a man is in distress because he recently learned the truth about his donut. the fruit filling... isn't actually fruit! hear how much money he is trying to get from krispy kreme... and the argument he thinks will win the case. and the adult trump kids are quickly learning about what happens when business is mixed with politics. how ivanka company is responding to a major gaffe. you're watching fox5 news at 4. (my hero zero by lemonheads) get zero down, zero deposit, zero due at signing, and zero first month's payment on select volkswagen models. this blac
some kids are just as tired as most adults of seeing people fight over the elec so they are doing something about it. "(addie morlan/ joyologist) "we're trying to like get the drama to go away, but like, it's kind of hard to get everybody to stop." " meet addie... founder of the "joyologist" club at her iowa middle school. the group is trying to spread joy to their classmates, and find ways to reach out to students who are uncomfortable. the joyologists say they...
Nov 23, 2016
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nats - (exiting times) the president-elec with the new york times to backtrack on some of his biggest applause lines on the campaign trail. nats - lock her up, lock her up the crowd chanted "lock her up" at every trump rally? because of the candidate's vow to seek criminal charges against hillary clinton. sot - wash 5 donald trump cincinnati oh rally pool c16 101316 if i win i am going to ask my attorney general to appoint a special prosecutor to look into her crimes but president-elect told the times he's now having second thoughts "i think it would be very very divisive for the country," he said. adding: "i don't want to hurt the clintons, i really don't. she went through a lot and suffered greatly" sot - sen. lindsey graham (r-sc) (fox news) "well, so much for 'locking her up,' i guess? senator lindsey graham told fox news that's not good enough. sot - graham i do hope all the things president- elect trump said about how crooked she was - well, we just don't let it go sot donald trump jacksonville florida rally 110316 we will also cancel billions of dollars in global warming paymen
nats - (exiting times) the president-elec with the new york times to backtrack on some of his biggest applause lines on the campaign trail. nats - lock her up, lock her up the crowd chanted "lock her up" at every trump rally? because of the candidate's vow to seek criminal charges against hillary clinton. sot - wash 5 donald trump cincinnati oh rally pool c16 101316 if i win i am going to ask my attorney general to appoint a special prosecutor to look into her crimes but...
Nov 28, 2016
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adding, "his reckless tweets are inappropriate and unbecoming of a president-elec" clinton campaign attorney mark elias expressed his frustration of all of this, say, we're getting attacked for participating in a recount we didn't ask for by the man who won the election but thinks there was massive voter fraud. david? >> david wright in wisconsin for us. david, thanks. >>> meanwhile, president-elect trump with a full schedule. a very telling meeting today. among them, retired general david petraeus. a candidate now for secretary of state. but mitt romney and rudy llamas tonight with the very public battle now for the role of secretary of state. >> reporter: today, president-elect donald trump summoning one of his favorite military leaders to trump tower. retired general david petraeus, now a contender for secretary of state. >> meeting went very well. i was with him for about an hour, he basically walked us around the world, showed a great grasp of a variety of the challenges that are out there and some >> reporter: petraeus, the most famous military commander of his generation, falling from
adding, "his reckless tweets are inappropriate and unbecoming of a president-elec" clinton campaign attorney mark elias expressed his frustration of all of this, say, we're getting attacked for participating in a recount we didn't ask for by the man who won the election but thinks there was massive voter fraud. david? >> david wright in wisconsin for us. david, thanks. >>> meanwhile, president-elect trump with a full schedule. a very telling meeting today. among them,...
Nov 21, 2016
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budget wher sou peopleing figu out where t rubbe meets t road, wh shoul the loo t f starters, president-elec trump is going t inheritin the wors fisc situati o any preident judge b t otheh presiden truma w he's walking into offic so he's goou startin poin he spent l o time t campaign talking about t portion of getting tha $ trillion debt bac dow and yet looked at th proposal, but p for during the campaig they would, fact a ove $ thril to nationa debt, an that's on to brrowin trillionat we ar poise t do if t nothing so he ha hug challenge ahe of him he's also going to be workin with t that fea h sai it' very important to balance th budget over ten-ye perio the questi i:now tha the have the house, t senate an the whitus a th suddenly going to pull bac fro those fisca goals becau h has thespaid-for-t cut infrastructure sending increases dfense, lots things that are going t blo the debt, o a the goi t hold tho fsc gl whi are ve iportan helpi to grow th economy during t campaign d n s much abo medicar or soci security remember, th thre bigge drivers of feder defic a debt goi forwa are heal ca sen
budget wher sou peopleing figu out where t rubbe meets t road, wh shoul the loo t f starters, president-elec trump is going t inheritin the wors fisc situati o any preident judge b t otheh presiden truma w he's walking into offic so he's goou startin poin he spent l o time t campaign talking about t portion of getting tha $ trillion debt bac dow and yet looked at th proposal, but p for during the campaig they would, fact a ove $ thril to nationa debt, an that's on to brrowin trillionat we ar...
Nov 18, 2016
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and one of president-elec during his primary run, retired lieutenant general michael flynn, is being rewarded for his loyalty ... tapped to be his national security adviser. the lieutenant general has held a number of important military roles, including director of the defense intelligence agency and chair of the military intelligence board. waldman on-cam tag says: "president-elect trump has plans to head to new jersey this weekend ....where he plans to meet with mitt romney, one of his fiercest critics. in washington, joel waldman, fox woman is dead -- and several injured after shots are fired at a toddler's birthday party in tennessee. police say they are still searching for three shooters. the violence broke out late thursday in the town of dyersburg. the ages of the people shot range in age from 6 to 32. the victims were on the front porch when the shots were fired. police continue to investigate. we're learning more about the man who allegedly shot and employee at an oklahoma city airport this week. the gunman used a military style rifle...and had served in the military in the
and one of president-elec during his primary run, retired lieutenant general michael flynn, is being rewarded for his loyalty ... tapped to be his national security adviser. the lieutenant general has held a number of important military roles, including director of the defense intelligence agency and chair of the military intelligence board. waldman on-cam tag says: "president-elect trump has plans to head to new jersey this weekend ....where he plans to meet with mitt romney, one of his...
Nov 28, 2016
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president-elec trump did not say where he got those numbers. dgx the president-elect also tweeting tonight: "serious voter fraud in virginia, new hampshire and california" -- claiming media bias. evidence to support that claim. fox news is reporting milwaukee county sheriff david clarke will meet with president-elect donald trump today. clarke has been a longtime vocal supporter of mister trump -- although there's no word on if he is being offered a position. fox6 reached out to clarke's office for comment. we were told quote-- the sheriff doesn't have anything to say. happening today- we are expecting to learn more from people found dead in a home on last wednesday. an elderly man and woman were found with single gunshot wounds inside their home on hickory trail. when police arrived -- the 76-year-old man was already dead. the 71-year-old woman was taken to a hospital where she later died. milwaukee police need your help finding a sexual assault suspect. it happened late saturday night... police say the suspect was caught on camera. they relea
president-elec trump did not say where he got those numbers. dgx the president-elect also tweeting tonight: "serious voter fraud in virginia, new hampshire and california" -- claiming media bias. evidence to support that claim. fox news is reporting milwaukee county sheriff david clarke will meet with president-elect donald trump today. clarke has been a longtime vocal supporter of mister trump -- although there's no word on if he is being offered a position. fox6 reached out to...
Nov 28, 2016
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president-elec trump did not say where he got those numbers. dgx the president-elect also tweeting tonight: "serious voter fraud in virginia, new hampshire and california" -- claiming media bias. at this point, there is no evidence to support that claim. fox news is reporting milwaukee county sheriff david clarke will meet with president-elect donald trump today. clarke has been a longtime vocal supporter of mister trump -- although there's no word on if he is being offered a position. fox6 reachedu comment. we were told quote-- the sheriff doesn't have anything to say. happening today - a brown deer police officer charged with shooting a man outside a milwaukee county bus will be back in court. earlier this month devon kraemer waived her right to a preliminary hearing. a criminal complaint says kraemer and another officer took a belligerent passenger off a milwaukee county bus back in march... and kraemer ended up shooting the man in the back. the man in that shooting survived... kraemer has been free on a five- thousand dollar signature bond
president-elec trump did not say where he got those numbers. dgx the president-elect also tweeting tonight: "serious voter fraud in virginia, new hampshire and california" -- claiming media bias. at this point, there is no evidence to support that claim. fox news is reporting milwaukee county sheriff david clarke will meet with president-elect donald trump today. clarke has been a longtime vocal supporter of mister trump -- although there's no word on if he is being offered a...
Nov 7, 2016
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. >> we will have some work to do to bring about healing and reconciliation after this elec.tion is a moment of reckoning. it is a choice between division or unity. between strong, steady leadership or a loose cannon who could put everything at risk. >> we know for weeks and weeks you have been breaking down the electoral map now every conceivable combination for donald trump to win or hillary clinton to win. look at hillary clinton's travel today, that shows you where the clinton campaign can close this thing out. two visits to pennsylvania. they want to close the door on including that huge rally with president obama and the first lady and bruce springsteen just a natural combination tf people you hang out with on monday night and also michigan a race that has tightened extremely, somewhat surprisingly for democrats over the last couple weeks. president obama also there trying to rally up the college kids and a final midnight rally in raleigh, north carolina. that race is too close to call. they get north carolina that's just a cherry on top. >> every second counts and that
. >> we will have some work to do to bring about healing and reconciliation after this elec.tion is a moment of reckoning. it is a choice between division or unity. between strong, steady leadership or a loose cannon who could put everything at risk. >> we know for weeks and weeks you have been breaking down the electoral map now every conceivable combination for donald trump to win or hillary clinton to win. look at hillary clinton's travel today, that shows you where the clinton...