elektra vehicles and fuels sell vehicles will be able to plug in and create great electricity for the future. this is mega technology. and infrastructure, nervous system. the reason we can do this now is something called the great white teeth. for 30 years government leaders say, come on. your turn to tell us were going to run the world on garbage and windmills. there nice. it's like them. the night. soft energy. you can't run a robust global economy like we have an windmill's and garbage except. for 30 years we couldn't answer this question. now we can, and it has been brought to us here in silicon valley one a couple of young researchers were trying to figure out how to monitor radio waves in the universe. one is to see if there was any intelligent carrying life. kind of strange we are killing off intelligent carrying life here. what they realized, even centralized super computers cannot monitor the entire universe, so they came up with the idea of creating software to connect thousands and millions of little teeny desktop computers. when the connect them with software the distribut