Apr 26, 2021
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elena:7. alan:7. [risas] elena: es una buena. mi chiquita!la que la envían el mismo día. petco. salud + bienstar para tus mascotas. que nunca te falte... cariño. petco. o hidratación. neutrogena® hydro boost, el humectante número uno con ácido hialurónico te da, en un instante, el doble de hidratación. para una piel tersa e hidratada. neutrogena® (vo) imagínate una mascota visiblemente más saludable en 28 días. purina one. ingredientes naturales, además de vitaminas y minerales. en poderosas combinaciones. para un pelo brillante, ojos luminosos y energía vital... purina one. 28 días. una mascota visiblemente saludable. ¡ustedes han vivido de todo! una larga vida de amor y sacrificios. y una y otra vez se levantaron con la frente en alto. han vivido el año más duro pero ustedes mejor que nadie ven ahora un rayo de esperanza. cuando sea su turno, pónganse la vacuna. las vacunas han probado ser seguras y efectivas en estudios clínicos. y pueden obtenerlas sin costo. vacúnense por su salud, por el amor a los suyos por estar juntos otra vez. hay u
elena:7. alan:7. [risas] elena: es una buena. mi chiquita!la que la envían el mismo día. petco. salud + bienstar para tus mascotas. que nunca te falte... cariño. petco. o hidratación. neutrogena® hydro boost, el humectante número uno con ácido hialurónico te da, en un instante, el doble de hidratación. para una piel tersa e hidratada. neutrogena® (vo) imagínate una mascota visiblemente más saludable en 28 días. purina one. ingredientes naturales, además de vitaminas y minerales....
Apr 19, 2021
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vamos con elena tabraue. elena: muy buenas tardes. el calor ha estado presente hoy, domingo. las mÁximas estarÁn maÑana por encima de 75° en toda el Área. es importante que se mantenga hidratado. no se exponga al sol. limite las actividades al aire libre en las horas de la tarde. algo importante, cuando se baje de los vehÍculos, por favor, revise no dejar mascotas o niÑos. la sequÍa continÚa presente en el Área de la bahÍa. tenemos condiciones de sequÍa severa en varias Áreas. no vamos a tener lluvias esta prÓxima semana laboral. un frente se va a desplazar el martes, pero no va dejar lluvias o tormentas, sÓlo un descenso de temperaturas, 73°. tenemos mÁs informaciÓn en nuestras plataformas digitales. mÁs informaciÓn esta noche. paola: gracias. durante la pandemia, muchas familias han tenido que cuidar su salud fÍsica y su salud mental. veamos lo que es la depresiÓn posparto en estas condiciones. >> sentÍ el cambio cuando cortaron el cordÓn umbilical. me puse a llorar. me dio una depresiÓn muy fuerte. reportera: segÚn el cdc, una de c
vamos con elena tabraue. elena: muy buenas tardes. el calor ha estado presente hoy, domingo. las mÁximas estarÁn maÑana por encima de 75° en toda el Área. es importante que se mantenga hidratado. no se exponga al sol. limite las actividades al aire libre en las horas de la tarde. algo importante, cuando se baje de los vehÍculos, por favor, revise no dejar mascotas o niÑos. la sequÍa continÚa presente en el Área de la bahÍa. tenemos condiciones de sequÍa severa en varias Áreas. no...
Apr 5, 2021
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elena: lo que mÁs me impactÓ fue donde Él tiene a la niÑa como que de dÍas cargar.beat, aunque eso no es todo, segÚn la doctora wolf. wolf: la tecnologÍa lo que ha hecho es facilitarlo con el facetime, con el zoom. y son un montÓn de maneras donde la persona simplemente dice “tengo una reuniÓn y es confidencial”, y te alejas y ya. y tu pareja estÁ en la otra habitaciÓn. sandoval: sin embargo, el marido de verÓnica no contaba con la astucia de su esposa. verÓnica: yo encontrÉ a mi esposo platicando, mandando mensajes a una chica. sandoval: despuÉs de meses de sospecha, ella cuenta que le descubriÓ un celular escondido que usaba para mantener su relaciÓn extramarital. verÓnica: la foto de una joven, de una muchacha muy joven. de edad de 18 a 20 aÑos. Él obviamente lo negÓ, pero yo al mirar las fotos y los mensajes, eran ellos hablÁndose. sandoval: verÓnica pudo sola desenmascarar a su esposo, pero no todas las mujeres y los hombres que sospechan de sus parejas logran hacerlo. muchos buscan ayuda adicional. Álvarez: mi nombre es fernando Álvarez y soy detective privado
elena: lo que mÁs me impactÓ fue donde Él tiene a la niÑa como que de dÍas cargar.beat, aunque eso no es todo, segÚn la doctora wolf. wolf: la tecnologÍa lo que ha hecho es facilitarlo con el facetime, con el zoom. y son un montÓn de maneras donde la persona simplemente dice “tengo una reuniÓn y es confidencial”, y te alejas y ya. y tu pareja estÁ en la otra habitaciÓn. sandoval: sin embargo, el marido de verÓnica no contaba con la astucia de su esposa. verÓnica: yo encontrÉ a...
Apr 26, 2021
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elena: como pronosticamos esta tarde ya a esta hora las lluvias han comenzado a alejarse de nuestra regiÓnnecemos con condiciones secas esto permitirÁ que las temperaturas estÉn en aumento. a esta hora a 50 en san francisco, viento soplando a 35 millas por hora. no se esperan lluvias pero sÍ un aumento en las temperaturas. les traigo el pronÓstico completo mÁs adelante para que comience a planificarse. paola: apunte con la cÁmara del telÉfono celular al cÓdigo que ve en pantallapara descargar nuestra aplicaciÓn de univisiÓn de la bahÍa, ahÍ encontrarÁ mÁs informaciÓn. debido a la poca lluvia los residentes de contra costa y alameda tendrÍan que conservar el agua, el martes se decidirÁ si es necesario decirle a los residentes que ahorren el preciado lÍquido en un 10%. se declarÓ emergencia en sonoma por los niveles de sequÍa, investigamos como el de departamento de bomberos ayudaron a esto. reportera: se creÓ un plan para las comunidades locales que pueden ser afectadas por la sequÍa. el lago sonoma se encuentra en el nivel mÁs bajo de la historia. el departamento de bomberos de la ciudad d
elena: como pronosticamos esta tarde ya a esta hora las lluvias han comenzado a alejarse de nuestra regiÓnnecemos con condiciones secas esto permitirÁ que las temperaturas estÉn en aumento. a esta hora a 50 en san francisco, viento soplando a 35 millas por hora. no se esperan lluvias pero sÍ un aumento en las temperaturas. les traigo el pronÓstico completo mÁs adelante para que comience a planificarse. paola: apunte con la cÁmara del telÉfono celular al cÓdigo que ve en pantallapara...
Apr 3, 2021
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murió en manos de la policía un agente le disparó en el pecho y la familia exige respuestas y maría elenaijo era un buen chico. >> Él era alegre, le encantaban los animales, le encantaba armar sus legos. >> ella y sus familiares piden que se haga público las imágenes de las cámaras corporales. >> obtuvimos el audio donde un oficial pide que se apaguen las cámaras. >> adán se ausentó varias horas el domingo y por eso su madre lo reportó como desaparecido, adam regresó a la vivienda y lo que resultó después es difícil de entender. >> la última vez que ella lo vio fue el domingo por la noche. >> los oficiales respondieron a un tiroteo uno de ellos era adam y es que recibió un impacto de balas. >> queremos por favor que se haga justicia porque es ingratitud que los servidores públicos de la policía que tienen que cuidar la ciudad hayan matado a ese niño. >> desde chicago maría elena ponticello noticias telemundo. >>eel acusado de la masacre en california enfrenta 4 cargos de asesinato, las víctimas en pantalla que son todos de la misma familia y también falleció la empleada de la empresa, la
murió en manos de la policía un agente le disparó en el pecho y la familia exige respuestas y maría elenaijo era un buen chico. >> Él era alegre, le encantaban los animales, le encantaba armar sus legos. >> ella y sus familiares piden que se haga público las imágenes de las cámaras corporales. >> obtuvimos el audio donde un oficial pide que se apaguen las cámaras. >> adán se ausentó varias horas el domingo y por eso su madre lo reportó como desaparecido, adam...
Apr 30, 2021
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elena, over to you. elena: i am a congressional reporter for axios and happy to be joined by house minority whip steve scalise from louisiana. the number two house republican. congressman, thank you so much for being with us today. mr. scalise: thank you, elena -- thank you, alayna. alayna: today marks the 100th day that president biden has been in office. he gave his joint address to congress earlier this week. spoke a lot about some of the things on the trail, unity, calls for bipartisanship. he spoke a lot about his infrastructure package and his big proposals for the future. i'm curious. i know a lot of your republican colleagues don't think that the biden administration is doing much to be bipartisan. think he's catering to more of the left flank of the party. i'm curious, though, what areas you think there are still hope -- there's still hope for bipartisanship? mr. scalise: yeah, alayna, if you look at the first 100 days, it's a far left move to the socialist extreme agenda. you've seem from the v
elena, over to you. elena: i am a congressional reporter for axios and happy to be joined by house minority whip steve scalise from louisiana. the number two house republican. congressman, thank you so much for being with us today. mr. scalise: thank you, elena -- thank you, alayna. alayna: today marks the 100th day that president biden has been in office. he gave his joint address to congress earlier this week. spoke a lot about some of the things on the trail, unity, calls for bipartisanship....
Apr 18, 2021
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i think it's extremely troubling and problematic. >> so elena, what is to be done about this when younue to have a republican party that in some cases, yes, in this respect we have seen them stand up to the america first caucus and speak out. but of course it's marjorie taylor greene, it's not necessarily someone who has an upstanding reputation in washington at the moment. but what is to be done here to make sure voices like this do not rise to the top? >> well, in some instances i agree with shermichael that this type of language, this type of rhetoric needs to be rejected wholeheartedly and full throatedly by the mainstream republicans. so the language about white supremacy has been echoed throughout our immigration policy since our country was founded, protecting whiteness, claiming eugenic principles of us versus them. so if the republicans are going right align themselves or thing themselves back together and actually have a party worth standing for, my recommendation is that they start to reject this type of rhetoric wholeheartedly. let's remember that this platform is not just
i think it's extremely troubling and problematic. >> so elena, what is to be done about this when younue to have a republican party that in some cases, yes, in this respect we have seen them stand up to the america first caucus and speak out. but of course it's marjorie taylor greene, it's not necessarily someone who has an upstanding reputation in washington at the moment. but what is to be done here to make sure voices like this do not rise to the top? >> well, in some instances i...
Apr 26, 2021
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elena: este frente frÍo dejÓ lluvias y tambiÉn un descenso en las temperaturas, las mÁximas se quedarontra zona. la lluvia presente durante este domingo y se alejara a partir de las 10:00 p.m. a medida de que este frente sale de nuestra regiÓn. el lunes amanecemos con el sol aquÍ en el Área de la bahÍa, serÁ un dÍa con temperaturas agradables y condiciones secas. la temperatura estarÁ a la medianoche en los 58 en san francisco. gran parte del Área de la bahÍa tendrÁ vientos y algunas ciudades podrÁn tener rÁfagas de las 25 millas por hora. maÑana se espera 58 en napa, 51 en santa rosa y san josÉ podrÍa alcanzar los 52con cielo mayormente soleado, pronÓstico extendido para que se planifique esta semana laboral. cielo mayormente soleado, que tengan una excelente tarde. paola: pasamos con un adelanto en los deportes. reportero: ¿cÓmo le fue al barcelona contra el villarreal? paola: esta organizaciÓn le puede ayudar a hacerse con una cita para vacunarse, puede llamar al nÚmero que ve en pantalla o visitar el sitio web para poder registrarse, ya volvemos. [contacto deportivo es presentado po
elena: este frente frÍo dejÓ lluvias y tambiÉn un descenso en las temperaturas, las mÁximas se quedarontra zona. la lluvia presente durante este domingo y se alejara a partir de las 10:00 p.m. a medida de que este frente sale de nuestra regiÓn. el lunes amanecemos con el sol aquÍ en el Área de la bahÍa, serÁ un dÍa con temperaturas agradables y condiciones secas. la temperatura estarÁ a la medianoche en los 58 en san francisco. gran parte del Área de la bahÍa tendrÁ vientos y...
Apr 12, 2021
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elena: buenas tardes, hemos disfrutado de un domingo con condiciones secas.arde temperaturas por encima de lo normal, por el momento se mantienen estas mÁximas, por lo menos hasta el miÉrcoles. en las prÓximas horas, no tendremos lluvia, serÁ una noche tranquila, cielo parcialmente nublado, la mÍnima estarÁ disminuyendo hacia los 50 grados, en san josÉ. el lunes comienza la semana, serÁ un dÍa caluroso, las mÁximas en concord, llegarÁn a los 80, 64 en. es importante beber mucho lÍquido para estar hidratado, tambiÉn limitar las actividades entre las 12 del dÍa y las 5 de la tarde. los vientos tendrÁn rÁfagas entre las 20:25 millas por hora, lo mÁs fuerte vendrÁ el martes. ¡muy buenas tardes! reportero: desde maÑana lunes, las personas que perdieron un familiar a causa del coronavirus, podrÁn solicitar un reembolso por los gastos funerarios. fema no aceptarÁ solicitudes en lÍnea. >> lo mÁximo que podemos recibir de tema son 9000 $. reportero: se advierte que han recibido llamadas para intentar robar, asÍ que tenga ♪ ♪ tenemos el poder de aprovechar la abundanci
elena: buenas tardes, hemos disfrutado de un domingo con condiciones secas.arde temperaturas por encima de lo normal, por el momento se mantienen estas mÁximas, por lo menos hasta el miÉrcoles. en las prÓximas horas, no tendremos lluvia, serÁ una noche tranquila, cielo parcialmente nublado, la mÍnima estarÁ disminuyendo hacia los 50 grados, en san josÉ. el lunes comienza la semana, serÁ un dÍa caluroso, las mÁximas en concord, llegarÁn a los 80, 64 en. es importante beber mucho...
Apr 12, 2021
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elena: buenas noches. hemos disfrutado de un domingocon cielos mayormente soleados. y las temperaturas van a superar a lo que se reportÓ hoy. primero miren actualmente condiciones de cielos mayormente despejados. 50 grados de temperatura en san francisco con vientos soplando el suroeste a ocho millas por hora. maÑana la mÁxima puede alcanzar los 78 grados. se espera 80 en control, 74 napa. y 73 para san rafael. con vientos que se van a intensificar desde lunes en la tarde, a medida que se acercan sistema frontal. frente frÍo con vientos fuertes. desazÓn las temperaturas pero no lluvias. va a ser una semana sin lluvias en nuestra Área. y los vientos en la tarde llegando las rÁfagas a 20 millas por hora en gran parte
elena: buenas noches. hemos disfrutado de un domingocon cielos mayormente soleados. y las temperaturas van a superar a lo que se reportÓ hoy. primero miren actualmente condiciones de cielos mayormente despejados. 50 grados de temperatura en san francisco con vientos soplando el suroeste a ocho millas por hora. maÑana la mÁxima puede alcanzar los 78 grados. se espera 80 en control, 74 napa. y 73 para san rafael. con vientos que se van a intensificar desde lunes en la tarde, a medida que se...
Apr 19, 2021
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vamos a elena tabraue que no dice que pronto estarÁ pero la semana.imas por encima de los 70 grados en ciudades como san josÉ, certera nuestra noche si los mayormente soleados. en minuto las temperaturas pueden amen ta dentro de un auto y ser letales. a esta hora la noche san francisco disfrutando de si los tejados. temperaturas frescas, 73 grados vientos calmados soplando del oeste como sudoeste en lunes el calor va estar presente. en martes nacen frente frÍo se temperaturas en medio se tentarÁ ausencia es con san josÉ. tenemos mÁs informaciÓn en nuestras plataformas digitales. y maÑana aquÍ, en nuestros noticieros. el gobernador firmÓ esta semana una nueva ley que proveerÁ de sus establecimientos en diciembre de abogados para que —— en medio de las dificultades de la pandemia, se anunciÓ que mÉxico serÁ pionero en latinoamÉrica en producir una vacuna contra el covid 19. la que en escena respuesta frente a la escasez de vacunas que atraviesan algunos paÍses en vÍa de desarrollo. es una vacuna de segunda generaciÓn. en cuyo desarrollo participa mÉxico
vamos a elena tabraue que no dice que pronto estarÁ pero la semana.imas por encima de los 70 grados en ciudades como san josÉ, certera nuestra noche si los mayormente soleados. en minuto las temperaturas pueden amen ta dentro de un auto y ser letales. a esta hora la noche san francisco disfrutando de si los tejados. temperaturas frescas, 73 grados vientos calmados soplando del oeste como sudoeste en lunes el calor va estar presente. en martes nacen frente frÍo se temperaturas en medio se...
eye 26
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germany's green party let's take a look for the would see is the rising star of german politics and elena be about 40 years old leader of the german green party. the climate debate is served as a springboard for the greens triumph in recent years climate protection exit from calls renewable energy there are 2 topics that babcock is fought for since the beginning of her career. was once by moving into ice we had less than 30 years to really make a change to pace our way of life our prosperity and climb. and neutrality that is neat task of our generation in that store. was born in 1980 in northwestern germany and now lives in the east of the country near berlin she and her husband have 2 young children. their back has a degree in international law and spent several years abroad in the u.s. london in brussels she became politically active in the green party in 2008 focusing on foreign and security issues and she soon became a member of parliament 1st at regional level then in 2013 she entered the blandest tok the german parliament at the age of only 32 she quickly earned respect for her thor
germany's green party let's take a look for the would see is the rising star of german politics and elena be about 40 years old leader of the german green party. the climate debate is served as a springboard for the greens triumph in recent years climate protection exit from calls renewable energy there are 2 topics that babcock is fought for since the beginning of her career. was once by moving into ice we had less than 30 years to really make a change to pace our way of life our prosperity...
eye 27
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constraint there now germany's green party has just announced its candidate for chancellor her name is on elena babcock and she has been a rising star in german politics will represent the green party in its 1st ever run for the chancellor a she's up against medicals long governing coalition of conservatives the greens have made considerable strides in recent elections with current polls ranking it the 2nd most popular party nationwide. she is the rising star of german politics and elaine a 40 years old leader of the german green party. the climate debate has served as a springboard for the greens triumph in recent years climate protection exit from coal renewable energy there are other topics that babcock has fought for since the beginning of her career. when supply movie we had less than 30 years to really make a change to base our way of life our prosperity on climate neutrality that is the task of our generation. and was born in 1900 in north western germany and now lives in the east of the country near berlin she and her husband have 2 young children. their block has a degree in internatio
constraint there now germany's green party has just announced its candidate for chancellor her name is on elena babcock and she has been a rising star in german politics will represent the green party in its 1st ever run for the chancellor a she's up against medicals long governing coalition of conservatives the greens have made considerable strides in recent elections with current polls ranking it the 2nd most popular party nationwide. she is the rising star of german politics and elaine a 40...
Apr 11, 2021
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registrado en calistogan, no se reportaron daños pero el movimiento también se seintio en santa rosa, santa elenaorque amancimos con esta nubosidad a lo largo de la costa y esta noche y mañana al amanece en san francisco minmas de 46 grados en san francisco y 40 en san josé y frío hacia el interior en (en inglés) con 44 grados pero para mañana un día lindo para el domingo con maximas de 60 y 66 grados es la costa pero hacia el interior vamos a ver máximas de 68 grados y hasta 80 grados en fairfax y se espera que estas condiciones secas y calientes continúen pero la calidad del aire será buena desde le norte y hacia el este y en la costa un cambio en el sur traerá condiciones moderadas pero por ahora las condiciones secas están acá para quedarse en los próximos 7 días y esto nos espera en el satélite y radar y vamos a ver que no llega la lluvia no solo hacia el interior sino que en san francisco con máximas de hasta 60 grados lunes, martes y miércoles y 76 para lunes y martes con 60 y miércoles con 70 grados y aunque necesitamos la lluvia parece que no llegará á nuestra región, continuamos con más
registrado en calistogan, no se reportaron daños pero el movimiento también se seintio en santa rosa, santa elenaorque amancimos con esta nubosidad a lo largo de la costa y esta noche y mañana al amanece en san francisco minmas de 46 grados en san francisco y 40 en san josé y frío hacia el interior en (en inglés) con 44 grados pero para mañana un día lindo para el domingo con maximas de 60 y 66 grados es la costa pero hacia el interior vamos a ver máximas de 68 grados y hasta 80 grados...
Apr 5, 2021
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elena train covers the white house for axios, thank you for being with us. guest: thanks for having me. host: this centered on the sunday shows yesterday, the infrastructure plan outlined in pittsburgh by the president and whether or not it will be bipartisan. will it look more like the covid-19 relief plan or will there be bipartisan support? caller: steve, having covered the current congress, seeing the way it's operated the past year, i find it hard to expect any republicans to jump on board. particularly the way the plan is now. $2 trillion in spending for this infrastructure package, republicans across the board are already ramping up their counter programming on the bill. calling it a progressive wish list, saying there's far more than roads and bridges. the plan for president biden is to still try to find some kind of compromise. senator kunz this morning said he didn't think any republicans would vote for the entire package but they could vote for some part of it. that is how the white house is looking at it, splitting it up to get to get the bill pa
elena train covers the white house for axios, thank you for being with us. guest: thanks for having me. host: this centered on the sunday shows yesterday, the infrastructure plan outlined in pittsburgh by the president and whether or not it will be bipartisan. will it look more like the covid-19 relief plan or will there be bipartisan support? caller: steve, having covered the current congress, seeing the way it's operated the past year, i find it hard to expect any republicans to jump on...
Apr 13, 2021
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de las 7:30 podrÍamos contar con rÁfagas cerca de 30 millas por hora en la ciudad de concord, santa elenate prÓximo martes cerca de las 6:30 de la tarde 35 millas. en san josÉ no esperamos condiciones tan ventosas. para el miÉrcoles en horas de la madrugada gran parte de nuestra Área de cobertura con vientos por debajo de 25 millas por hora. nos proyectamos hacia un periodo en temperaturas aumentando, el lunes podrÍamos tener mÁximas en los 80. mÁs adelante vuelvo con mÁs informaciÓn. ramÓn: si es dueÑo del restaurante san francisco, le diremos cÓmo puede conseguir ayuda financiera. >> los gastos aquÍ son muy grandes, en la funeraria desde que estÁn en el hospital ya estÁ cobrando. ramÓn: si lamentablemente perdiÓ un familiar debido al coronavirus podrÍa recibir un reembolso para cubrir los gastos funerarios. tenemos el poder de aprovechar la abundancia de energía solar y eólica de california. pero no está disponible todo el día. Úsala menos de 4 a 9 pm y protege california para las generaciones futuras. ramÓn: los dueÑos de restaurantes de los condados de san francisco y alameda ppodrÍan
de las 7:30 podrÍamos contar con rÁfagas cerca de 30 millas por hora en la ciudad de concord, santa elenate prÓximo martes cerca de las 6:30 de la tarde 35 millas. en san josÉ no esperamos condiciones tan ventosas. para el miÉrcoles en horas de la madrugada gran parte de nuestra Área de cobertura con vientos por debajo de 25 millas por hora. nos proyectamos hacia un periodo en temperaturas aumentando, el lunes podrÍamos tener mÁximas en los 80. mÁs adelante vuelvo con mÁs...
Apr 22, 2021
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- ¿cÓmo estÁ, doctora claudia elena?
- ¿cÓmo estÁ, doctora claudia elena?
Apr 17, 2021
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there are three liberals, sonia sotomayor, elena kagan and stephen breyer.ut nowhere in the constitution does it say how many it should or must have. the first judiciary act set the number at six, but it's good luck candidated from 5 to 10. the last time a president attempted to change it, 1937, when fdr introduced a judicial reform bill that became known as his court-packing plan, seeking to ad more justices -- add more justices. the senate rejected it overwhelmingly. in 1983 then-senator joe biden, a member of the judiciary committee, had this to say about fdr's court-packing plan. >> it was a bonehead idea. it was a terrible, terrible mistake to make. >> reporter: and during the campaign, he opposed it. >> i would not get into court packing. we add three justices, next time we lose control, they add three justices. >> reporter: two of the most liberal justices share that opposition. the late ruth bader ginsburg and stephen breyer, who has been on the bench. since 1994. but now president biden has ordered a 36-person, six month bipartisan commission to stu
there are three liberals, sonia sotomayor, elena kagan and stephen breyer.ut nowhere in the constitution does it say how many it should or must have. the first judiciary act set the number at six, but it's good luck candidated from 5 to 10. the last time a president attempted to change it, 1937, when fdr introduced a judicial reform bill that became known as his court-packing plan, seeking to ad more justices -- add more justices. the senate rejected it overwhelmingly. in 1983 then-senator joe...
Apr 21, 2021
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. >> otras familias se juntaron en el ayuntamiento para celebrar el veredicto como marÍa elena vÁzquezazo y hombro por oficiales de san josÉ el 25 de diciembre 2018. >> yo espero que aquÍ tambiÉn, en california, en san josÉ, haya justicia para muchas personas. >> nos dice que su vida no ha sido igual, despuÉs de la muerte de su hija de 24 aÑos de edad. >> es injusto porque no saben en quÉ tristeza, en quÉ abismo nos dejan a nosotros como familias destrozadas destrozadas sin felicidad. >> muchas gracias y ahora cuando son las 12:04 te queremos preguntar quÉ opinas sobre el veredicto del policÍa derek chauvin tras la muerte de george floyd, opina en nuestras redes sociales la respuesta podrÍa ser compartida aquÍ en noticiero telemundo 48 al mediodÍa, muchas gracias por la participaciÓn. >> continuamos con la informaciÓn porque las leyes aquÍ en el estado de california han cambiado, arias del hecho de george floyd, la ley 846 la cual exige que los oficiales sean evaluados de forma sicolÓgica, la 1185 mejor dicho, autoriza la reacciÓn de un directorio para evaluar las acciones de los algua
. >> otras familias se juntaron en el ayuntamiento para celebrar el veredicto como marÍa elena vÁzquezazo y hombro por oficiales de san josÉ el 25 de diciembre 2018. >> yo espero que aquÍ tambiÉn, en california, en san josÉ, haya justicia para muchas personas. >> nos dice que su vida no ha sido igual, despuÉs de la muerte de su hija de 24 aÑos de edad. >> es injusto porque no saben en quÉ tristeza, en quÉ abismo nos dejan a nosotros como familias destrozadas...
Apr 13, 2021
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especialmente las Áreas elevadas con rÁfaga superior a las 30 millas por hora, en napa, la zona de santa elenase estarÁ alejando, podrÍa volver a aumentar en las Áreas montaÑosas para lo que serÍa la tarde noche del dÍa miÉrcoles. temperaturas de la regiÓn como mÁximas de los bajo 70 este martes, miÉrcoles cerca de 75. lunes de la semana entrante 81 para san josÉ, regiones como concord podrÍamos acercarnos hasta los 90. mÁs adelante vuelvo con mÁs informaciÓn. ramÓn: en breve restaurantes en ciertos condados podrÍa recibir fondos econÓmicos. le diremos cÓmo hay quienes califican. sus detuvo gastos funerarios por un familiar fallecido por coronavirus, puede solicitar un reembolso. mÁs atención, california. ahora hay un nuevo fondo federal de 3 mil millones de dólares para ayudar a más personas a pagar su seguro médico - sin importar sus ingresos. eso significa que andrés y teresa ahora pagan $700 menos cada mes. sara obtuvo cobertura integral por solo $1 al mes. y la familia navarro está pagando menos de $100 al mes. revisa ahora para ver tu nuevo precio más bajo. cuanto antes te inscribas, más
especialmente las Áreas elevadas con rÁfaga superior a las 30 millas por hora, en napa, la zona de santa elenase estarÁ alejando, podrÍa volver a aumentar en las Áreas montaÑosas para lo que serÍa la tarde noche del dÍa miÉrcoles. temperaturas de la regiÓn como mÁximas de los bajo 70 este martes, miÉrcoles cerca de 75. lunes de la semana entrante 81 para san josÉ, regiones como concord podrÍamos acercarnos hasta los 90. mÁs adelante vuelvo con mÁs informaciÓn. ramÓn: en breve...
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didn't have an effect really to be done about one meeting didn't elena. and later the footage be able to detect it. from religion actions to state elections as quanta were to begin big week. you were talking earlier about people letting their god down are wondering if the government to let its god down given that you were talking about these various elections also and religious gatherings that were allowed to progress my 1st pavement was we let our guard down we thought we had police. and. we were not really meeting and we have seen sharp with our brother. oxygen and. again the government has wanted to do more dangerous makeshift hospital. but what is the reason you think that the government did not take the last time if i can call it that between some time last year and this year in march when the cases were not so much as now why didn't the government take this time to prepare i think something over a little confidence that they didn't manage never letting that once it rains it is no families it's a huge community spirit. people are getting on. but a lo
didn't have an effect really to be done about one meeting didn't elena. and later the footage be able to detect it. from religion actions to state elections as quanta were to begin big week. you were talking earlier about people letting their god down are wondering if the government to let its god down given that you were talking about these various elections also and religious gatherings that were allowed to progress my 1st pavement was we let our guard down we thought we had police. and. we...
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for the others she is the rising star of german politics and elena be about 40 years old leader of the german green party. the climate debate has served as a springboard for the greens triumph in recent years climate protection exit from kohl's renewable energy there are 2 topics that bareback has fought for since the beginning of her career was once by moving we are less than 30 years to really make a change to base our way of life our prosperity on climate neutrality that is the task of our generation and that sort. of arc was born in 1980 in northwestern germany and now lives in the east of the country near berlin she and her husband have 2 young children. their bank has a degree in international law and spent several years abroad in the u.s. london in brussels she became politically active in the green party in 2008 focusing on foreign and security issues she soon became a member of parliament 1st at regional level then in 2013 she entered the bundestag the german parliament at the age of only 32 she quickly earned respect for her thoroughness and knowledge of detail from day one s
for the others she is the rising star of german politics and elena be about 40 years old leader of the german green party. the climate debate has served as a springboard for the greens triumph in recent years climate protection exit from kohl's renewable energy there are 2 topics that bareback has fought for since the beginning of her career was once by moving we are less than 30 years to really make a change to base our way of life our prosperity on climate neutrality that is the task of our...
Apr 8, 2021
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marÍa: y en la pandemia aprendÍ a ser unos cosmos, marÍa elena, que prepÁrate.a de la memoria.momentos mÁs emocionantes e impactantes de su carrera y su vida personal. giselle: salva de la muerte a un bÚho que tenÍa las alas atrapadas en un alambre de pÚas, te mostramos el rescate. carlos: anuncia la reapertura de playas piscinas en nueva york. le diremos la fecha exacta. raÚl: gracias por despertar cada maÑana con nosotros. queremos que usted y ahora el color labial se intensifica con el nuevo super stay spiced edition de maybelline new york. tonos vibrantes para labios candentes. dura hasta 16 horas. no mancha. nuevo super stay matte ink spiced edition. solo de maybelline new york. sabías que tu ropa no solamente atrapa el pelo pero también puede atraerlo? armada con bounce pet hair & lint guard, tu ropa puede repeler el pelo de tu mascota. mira cómo la camisa a la izquierda atraye el pelo como un iman! gracias a bounce, puedes acariciar a tu perrito o gato sin cargar su pelo. ahora mis mañanas son más fáciles gracias a lactaid®... ...es 100% leche de verdad,
marÍa: y en la pandemia aprendÍ a ser unos cosmos, marÍa elena, que prepÁrate.a de la memoria.momentos mÁs emocionantes e impactantes de su carrera y su vida personal. giselle: salva de la muerte a un bÚho que tenÍa las alas atrapadas en un alambre de pÚas, te mostramos el rescate. carlos: anuncia la reapertura de playas piscinas en nueva york. le diremos la fecha exacta. raÚl: gracias por despertar cada maÑana con nosotros. queremos que usted y ahora el color labial se intensifica...
eye 23
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senses congratulations via twitter i think graduations to on this aman congratulations to shafiq and elena you're doing great work keep it up. and design is an all around success but there's still work to do. it out this year and i think the best thing we could achieve is to no longer be different for us to just be us in the church and in the world. and maybe we'll have a channel for seniors about in content or whatever so no one is different i'm more . inclined to them and stephanie and ellen rathke say they may just keep on running their you tube channel until they're old and grey themselves. africa. this image is deceptive because bats are endangered in rwanda. humans fear them and chase them away. but these creatures really. port the ecosystem. and one organization is coming to their rescue and. africa. design. of colors and patterns a marriage of technique and creamy to meet infatuation with fabrics a chance to slow down and tune into the rhythm of working needle. in a sort of manly. knitting there is nothing boring about it. in 60 minutes w. w's crime fighters are back together with
senses congratulations via twitter i think graduations to on this aman congratulations to shafiq and elena you're doing great work keep it up. and design is an all around success but there's still work to do. it out this year and i think the best thing we could achieve is to no longer be different for us to just be us in the church and in the world. and maybe we'll have a channel for seniors about in content or whatever so no one is different i'm more . inclined to them and stephanie and ellen...
Apr 29, 2021
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. >> reporter: justices elena kagan and amy coney barrett did question potential threats of violencem a student that could take place on social media off campus but justice sonia sotomayor wrestled with where to draw the line. >> can you punish the student for cursing at home or at her parents? >> absolutely not. >> if you can't punish them for doing that, you're punishing her here because she went on the internet and cursed -- and used a curse word related to what? >> yes, she berated her coaches, the sport and other teammates. >> i'm told by my law clerks that among certain population, a certain large percentage of the population, how much you curse is a badge of honor. >> reporter: justice stephen breyer acknowledged the significant stakes in this case for schools, parents and students. >> i'm frightened to death of writing a standard. >> the court is expected to rule by the end of june. >>> coming up, the ancient discovery in las vegas when a couple was installing a pool. >>> also ahead, the invasion of the birds. was that your great-grandmother, keeping the family together? was
. >> reporter: justices elena kagan and amy coney barrett did question potential threats of violencem a student that could take place on social media off campus but justice sonia sotomayor wrestled with where to draw the line. >> can you punish the student for cursing at home or at her parents? >> absolutely not. >> if you can't punish them for doing that, you're punishing her here because she went on the internet and cursed -- and used a curse word related to what?...
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certainly wish you much success we hope that this vaccine works out exactly as you intended to do it maria elena alvarez earlier director of mexico's national council of science and technology we appreciate your time and your insights tonight thank you thank you. let's take a look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world the european union's foreign policy chief says e.u. relations with russia are at a low point and that moscow is quote deliberately deepening the confrontation shows that the rails comments come after a spike in western criticism of moscow in particular over the troop buildup on the border with ukraine rudy giuliani's manhattan home and office and have been raided by federal agents and a major escalation of the investigation into his business dealings the personal lawyer of former president donald trump giuliani has been under federal scrutiny for several years over his ties to ukraine. northern ireland's leader arlene foster has been else did by her democratic unionist party shills step down as party leader next month and as northern ireland's
certainly wish you much success we hope that this vaccine works out exactly as you intended to do it maria elena alvarez earlier director of mexico's national council of science and technology we appreciate your time and your insights tonight thank you thank you. let's take a look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world the european union's foreign policy chief says e.u. relations with russia are at a low point and that moscow is quote deliberately deepening...
Apr 21, 2021
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reunieron a las afueras del ayuntamiento de san josÉ para tambiÉn celebrar el veredicto, como marÍa elenaor oficiales de san josÉ el 25 de diciembre de 2018. >> yo espero que aquÍ tambiÉn en california, en san josÉ, haya, haya justicia para muchas personas. >> nos dice que su vida no ha sido igual despuÉs de la muerte de su hija de 24 aÑos de edad. >> es injusto, porque no saben en quÉ tristeza, en quÉ abismo nos dejan a nosotros como familias destrozadas. destrozadas, sin felicidad. >> cÉsar, esta noche activistas y familias dejaron muy claro que van a seguir luchando para pedir justicia en los casos de los jÓvenes latinos afroamericanos y asiÁticos que murieron por policÍas, desde san josÉ, regreso contigo al estudio. >> muchas gracias, y tambiÉn en el norte y el este de la bahÍa se realizaron varias demostraciones en reacciÓn a este veredicto, seso san francisco libertad pedraza nos cuenta cÓmo estuvo todo por allÁ, libertad. >> el ambiente de calma que se vio hoy en todo el paÍs tambiÉn se viviÓ en oakland y san francisco, donde realizaron dos demostraciones pacÍficas donde cantaron v
reunieron a las afueras del ayuntamiento de san josÉ para tambiÉn celebrar el veredicto, como marÍa elenaor oficiales de san josÉ el 25 de diciembre de 2018. >> yo espero que aquÍ tambiÉn en california, en san josÉ, haya, haya justicia para muchas personas. >> nos dice que su vida no ha sido igual despuÉs de la muerte de su hija de 24 aÑos de edad. >> es injusto, porque no saben en quÉ tristeza, en quÉ abismo nos dejan a nosotros como familias destrozadas....
Apr 26, 2021
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elena is a straight shooter with a big heart who can teach us all a lesson or two. you just. get up and get out of bed, go to work and see what you can do. frank malik ok tv you, fox two news. oh, my cash. isn't that what a great story and remember i talked the beginning about how often she's called in sick on lee six days during her 75 year run. that's once every 12.5 years that she called in sick. oh, my god. i love her on a treadmill, and she's still wearing heels down the hallway. it's amazing. good night, everybody. your trap is next monday, the nerve wrecking season continue. was arson. all new 911 lone star monday at nine on fox. california the future belongs to everyone. and now everyone contrive it with a ford escape and explorer. we built them to sense danger before you do to adapt any conditions on the road or off it. gave them innovations for real life where technology is effortless, because in california the future is here, and we're here to help you drive. it gets 0% financing, plus 3000 total cash off a 2024 escape hybrid or ego boost or 50 to 50 total cash off
elena is a straight shooter with a big heart who can teach us all a lesson or two. you just. get up and get out of bed, go to work and see what you can do. frank malik ok tv you, fox two news. oh, my cash. isn't that what a great story and remember i talked the beginning about how often she's called in sick on lee six days during her 75 year run. that's once every 12.5 years that she called in sick. oh, my god. i love her on a treadmill, and she's still wearing heels down the hallway. it's...
Apr 28, 2021
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and national political reporter for the new york times, elena plot along with reverend al sharpton wholl. good to have you all this hour. >> this is really, this is just an incredible panel because the rev is talking about james brown. >> okay. >> i can talk about crimson tide football. >> sure. >> i can talk about boston red sox baseball. jonathan lemire, let's start there. garrett richards, what did i tell you? what did i say, this kid could be our next cy young winner. did i ever say that when he was like pitching -- >> i believe the -- >> horribly the last game? >> i believe the word you used was cofaxian to describe garrett richards' potential. yeah, that came out of nowhere last night. he's not exactly been their most stable or consistent starter. hey, ten strikeouts, seven innings and a win tonight as they go up against jacob degrom pitching as well as any pitcher we have seen in a decade or so. >> okay. >> let's get willie in quickly. >> oh, man. >> come on. >> one thing we can talk about is degrom. the mets -- >> willie. >> on average usually give degrom 0.003 runs per outing.
and national political reporter for the new york times, elena plot along with reverend al sharpton wholl. good to have you all this hour. >> this is really, this is just an incredible panel because the rev is talking about james brown. >> okay. >> i can talk about crimson tide football. >> sure. >> i can talk about boston red sox baseball. jonathan lemire, let's start there. garrett richards, what did i tell you? what did i say, this kid could be our next cy young...
Apr 17, 2021
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there are three liberals from elena kagan and stephen breyer but the bench hasn't always had a totalwhere in the constitution doesn't say how many it should have. the first judiciary act of 1789 set the number at six but it's fluctuated five to as many as ten the last time the president changed it, 1937. when fdr introduced judicial reform bill that became known as his court packing plan seeking to add more justices to obtain favorable rulings regarding the new deal. the senate rejected it overwhelmingly. 1983, then senator joe biden, member of the judiciary committee had this to say about fdr's court packing plan. >> it was a boneheaded idea, a terrible mistake to make. >> during the campaign, he opposed it. >> i would not get into court packing. we have three justices, next time we lose control, they have three justices, you lose credibility the court has little. >> two of the most liberal justices of the modern court share the opposition. the late ruth bader ginsburg and stephen breyer who's been on the bench 1994 but now president biden ordered a 36 person six months bipartisan c
there are three liberals from elena kagan and stephen breyer but the bench hasn't always had a totalwhere in the constitution doesn't say how many it should have. the first judiciary act of 1789 set the number at six but it's fluctuated five to as many as ten the last time the president changed it, 1937. when fdr introduced judicial reform bill that became known as his court packing plan seeking to add more justices to obtain favorable rulings regarding the new deal. the senate rejected it...
Apr 10, 2021
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assume the worst when people go to worship but assume the best when people go to work for in this, elenaia limits religious gatherings and homes to three households. at the state limits all secular gatherings and homes to three households, it's complied with the first amendment and the state does exactly that, it's adopted a blanket restriction on at-home gatherings of all kinds, religious and secular alike. california does not need to treat at home religious gatherings the same as hardware stores hair salons and that the law does not require that the state equally treat apples and watermelons. lawyers for the state reportedly have said it's policy is neutral and limits gatherings for any purpose, secular or religious and say strickland will change next week on the 15th of april and allow as many as 25 people at services. eric: thanks so much. arthel: severe storms in the forecast, parts of the u.s., a closer look at your weekend weather coming up next. parts of the south bracing for bad weather, severe thunderstorms, heavy rain, high wind and possible tornadoes to areas raining from sou
assume the worst when people go to worship but assume the best when people go to work for in this, elenaia limits religious gatherings and homes to three households. at the state limits all secular gatherings and homes to three households, it's complied with the first amendment and the state does exactly that, it's adopted a blanket restriction on at-home gatherings of all kinds, religious and secular alike. california does not need to treat at home religious gatherings the same as hardware...
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gratulations to shafiq and elena you're doing great work keep it up and. undesigned is an all round success but there's still work to do. it out this year and i think the best thing we could achieve is to no longer be different for us to just be us in the church and in the world. and maybe we'll have a channel for seniors about incontinence or whatever so no one is different i'm more i'm not. so. i'm stephanie and ellen rocca so they may just keep on running their you tube channel until they're old and grow themselves. they are. building the future today at r.w.c. it's awesome university researchers and students there are working to advance green mobility. i want to save the world my entire team wants to save the world. together they're researching tirelessly to develop the mobility to morrow. read. in good shape. there is no cure for a child to ask how can one lead to normal life with a potentially deadly virus if they are working on a vaccine and better therapeutic drugs. nummi be able to defeat the virus one day we talked to hendricks to take a leading
gratulations to shafiq and elena you're doing great work keep it up and. undesigned is an all round success but there's still work to do. it out this year and i think the best thing we could achieve is to no longer be different for us to just be us in the church and in the world. and maybe we'll have a channel for seniors about incontinence or whatever so no one is different i'm more i'm not. so. i'm stephanie and ellen rocca so they may just keep on running their you tube channel until they're...
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the woman now vying to take the reins from uncle americal in september's national elections is on elenabearable and she says everything is possible when it comes to the country's next government also on the program attorneys in the trial of derek showband the former us police officer charged with killing george floyd make their closing arguments to the journey to the jury while tensions inside and outside the people who are.
the woman now vying to take the reins from uncle americal in september's national elections is on elenabearable and she says everything is possible when it comes to the country's next government also on the program attorneys in the trial of derek showband the former us police officer charged with killing george floyd make their closing arguments to the journey to the jury while tensions inside and outside the people who are.
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polls and yesterday we found out that mr le chef the main election arrival will be none other than elenaberra bok of the greens she is a 40 year old woman against a 60 year old man and i don't mean that disrespectfully but you know it's mr i mean my ship the candidate that represents the future of german politics. i think the future of german politics must be related to content to ideas to a wish and of this country it's not only related to personnel it's a mixed combination and i mean lush it is a can with european he is governing north rhine-westphalia with one world majority in a liberal coalition so he has to look for me jury to use every day and he does this without any. hosty and without any stretch stressing politics he is really patient and he can wait and he has. really good betray ssion of the situation and i believe we need the greens also in the german politics that means both will work for a coalition but both will also work for a majority so it's to convince the people who will be at the end the chancellor but it's content related to not only personal german lawmaker to hea
polls and yesterday we found out that mr le chef the main election arrival will be none other than elenaberra bok of the greens she is a 40 year old woman against a 60 year old man and i don't mean that disrespectfully but you know it's mr i mean my ship the candidate that represents the future of german politics. i think the future of german politics must be related to content to ideas to a wish and of this country it's not only related to personnel it's a mixed combination and i mean lush it...
eye 24
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she is the rising star of german politics and elena be about 40 years old leader of the german green party. the climate debate is served as a springboard for the greens triumph in recent years climate protection exit from kohl's renewable energy there are the topics that bear baucus fought for since the beginning of her career. on supply moving we are less than 30 years to really make a change to base our way of life our prosperity on climate neutrality that is the task of our generation. and was born in 1980 in northwestern germany and now lives in the east of the country near berlin she and her husband have 2 young children. their back has a degree in international law and spent several years abroad in the u.s. london in brussels she became politically active in the green party in 2008 focusing on foreign and security issues and she soon became a member of parliament 1st at regional level then in 2013 she entered the building to stock the german parliament at the age of only 32 she quickly earned respect for her thoroughness and knowledge of detail from day one she radiated confide
she is the rising star of german politics and elena be about 40 years old leader of the german green party. the climate debate is served as a springboard for the greens triumph in recent years climate protection exit from kohl's renewable energy there are the topics that bear baucus fought for since the beginning of her career. on supply moving we are less than 30 years to really make a change to base our way of life our prosperity on climate neutrality that is the task of our generation. and...
Apr 25, 2021
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and they were joined by justice elena kagan. 9-0 my dear friends. why? because the supreme court of the united states and we are talking about almost the entire membership of the supreme court was unanimously in favor of church autonomy in the face of the serious potential violation of civil rights a violation of the americans with disabilities act. >> i believe justice kagan joins the alito concurring opinion in the alito concurring opinion and as of this last summer the autonomy principle was re-articulated into catholics cool cases where thought we would win the forces of liberty would win but it was a very hard case because the low los angeles diocese didn't require the late teachers to be catholic and yet in certain religious duties that each teacher had and that was sufficient to carry the 7-2 majority. that autonomy, the ability of churches and church schools and church ministries to say hands-off ceasar even though the federal government may have a powerful interest as it does in the civil rights laws. no, you can't go here. thou shalt not enter.
and they were joined by justice elena kagan. 9-0 my dear friends. why? because the supreme court of the united states and we are talking about almost the entire membership of the supreme court was unanimously in favor of church autonomy in the face of the serious potential violation of civil rights a violation of the americans with disabilities act. >> i believe justice kagan joins the alito concurring opinion in the alito concurring opinion and as of this last summer the autonomy...
Apr 30, 2021
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but when she tried to purchase these sneakers inspired by her idol wnba champion elena delle donne sheblog about her experience as a way to journal her feelings. that blog post shared thousands of times. >> i wanted to show that women and girls are strong and that they matter, and i wanted to advocate and speak up for what i believe in and what i think is right. >> reporter: her story catching the attention of our sponsor dick's sporting goods' president and ceo, lauren hobart. >> when we heard about the story that she shared on social media, we were upset and actually connected with elena delle donne and her team and tried to turn this into a positive moment in her life. >> adi was invited to a zoom meeting for a special surprise. >> hey, adi. >> oh, my gosh. >> how are you guys doing? >> i think you're our favorite basketball player. >> i was so happy and so proud that, you know, my role models wanted to hear from me and just talk about how they could better help support women. >> adi's story inspiring the company. dick's sporting goods also forming the girls power panel. it's made u
but when she tried to purchase these sneakers inspired by her idol wnba champion elena delle donne sheblog about her experience as a way to journal her feelings. that blog post shared thousands of times. >> i wanted to show that women and girls are strong and that they matter, and i wanted to advocate and speak up for what i believe in and what i think is right. >> reporter: her story catching the attention of our sponsor dick's sporting goods' president and ceo, lauren hobart....
Apr 19, 2021
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sandoval: la profesora marÍa elena gonzÁlez la recuerda como un estudiante que aprendÍa con facilidadligentes. no, no. yo no vengo despuÉs. yo vengo ya. sandoval: una lecciÓn que cuenta, aprendiÓ escuchando a su madre, a sus tÍas y a sus abuelas, quienes habÍan sacrificado sus carreras y sus sueÑos para cumplir con lo que la sociedad en ese entonces les dictaba. casarse y atender a sus esposos. trujillo: me hizo pensar a mÍ, que de pronto a mÍ me tocaba quebrar como esa barrera. sandoval: una idea que para la joven diana cobrÓ aÚn mÁs importancia despuÉs que sus padres se divorciaron y su madre quedÓ sola con ella, sin medios econÓmicos. trujillo: yo me acuerdo una vez que nos tocÓ cocinar un huevo tibio y partirlo a la mitad. sandoval: en el aÑo 2000, a los 17 aÑos, diana le dijo a su familia que utilizarÍa el dinero de su graduaciÓn para viajar a estados unidos. su meta era aprender inglÉs. trujillo: en mi mente estaba pensando, “ay, mi mamÁ se las busca acÁ y yo me las busco allÁ”. y de alguna forma nos encontramos. sandoval: sin embargo, segÚn ella, con los 300 dÓlares que traÍa e
sandoval: la profesora marÍa elena gonzÁlez la recuerda como un estudiante que aprendÍa con facilidadligentes. no, no. yo no vengo despuÉs. yo vengo ya. sandoval: una lecciÓn que cuenta, aprendiÓ escuchando a su madre, a sus tÍas y a sus abuelas, quienes habÍan sacrificado sus carreras y sus sueÑos para cumplir con lo que la sociedad en ese entonces les dictaba. casarse y atender a sus esposos. trujillo: me hizo pensar a mÍ, que de pronto a mÍ me tocaba quebrar como esa barrera....
Apr 8, 2021
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youtube's elena hernandez issued the following statement to us.ovid-19 medical misinformation to support the health and safety of our users. we removed this video because it included content that contradicts the consensus of local and global health authorities regarding the efficacy of masks it to prevent the spread of covid-19. note that phrase from ms. hernandez, quote: content that contradicts the consensus. we have a cartel of woke billionaires controlling almost all dissemination of ideas in the public square and they want nothing to do with content that contradicts the consensus or as this guy put it. >> suddenly, while you are asleep, they will absorb your minds, your memories, and you were born to an untroubled world. >> where everyone is the same? >> exactly. >> what a world. >> mark: what a world. miranda devine, the stark honesr columnist of "the new york post." the article that your newspaper broke before the election about hunter biden and the big woke on the social media put their thumb on the scale and 86, the whole hunter biden sto
youtube's elena hernandez issued the following statement to us.ovid-19 medical misinformation to support the health and safety of our users. we removed this video because it included content that contradicts the consensus of local and global health authorities regarding the efficacy of masks it to prevent the spread of covid-19. note that phrase from ms. hernandez, quote: content that contradicts the consensus. we have a cartel of woke billionaires controlling almost all dissemination of ideas...
Apr 13, 2021
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how gemma and elena. they were also camping here last night.— gemma and elena. boring and not fun. what else have. you got font for this week? cooking. goina you got font for this week? cooking. goin: in you got font for this week? cooking. going in the — you got font for this week? cooking. going in the pool. _ you got font for this week? cooking. going in the pool. the _ you got font for this week? cooking. going in the pool. the beach. - going in the pool. the beach. kayaking _ going in the pool. the beach. kayaking-— going in the pool. the beach. ka akin. ., kayaking. maybe some walks as well. it has been a — kayaking. maybe some walks as well. it has been a tough _ kayaking. maybe some walks as well. it has been a tough time _ kayaking. maybe some walks as well. it has been a tough time for - kayaking. maybe some walks as well. it has been a tough time for the - it has been a tough time for the guys _ it has been a tough time for the guys who— it has been a tough time for the guys who run places like this? it guys who run places like this? it has. i guys wh
how gemma and elena. they were also camping here last night.— gemma and elena. boring and not fun. what else have. you got font for this week? cooking. goina you got font for this week? cooking. goin: in you got font for this week? cooking. going in the — you got font for this week? cooking. going in the pool. _ you got font for this week? cooking. going in the pool. the _ you got font for this week? cooking. going in the pool. the beach. - going in the pool. the beach. kayaking _ going in...
Apr 5, 2021
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with white house congressional reporter elena. an author also joins us to talk about his new book.n we will discuss how coronavirus has impacted u.s. prison populations with the marshall project staff writer. and a discussion of the world health organizations report on china and the coronavirus origins, with heritage foundation james. watch c-span's washington journal live at c-span monday morning. and be sure to join the discussion with your phone calls, facebook comments, text messages, and tweets. monday starts the second week of the trial for derek chauvin. the former minneapolis police officer charged in the death of george floyd. watch live coverage of the trial on c-span two, online at c-span.org or online at the c-span radio app. if you missed live coverage you can watch on demand at c-span.org. >> british prime minister boris johnson testified on the uk's global leadership and his response to the coronavirus pandemic.
with white house congressional reporter elena. an author also joins us to talk about his new book.n we will discuss how coronavirus has impacted u.s. prison populations with the marshall project staff writer. and a discussion of the world health organizations report on china and the coronavirus origins, with heritage foundation james. watch c-span's washington journal live at c-span monday morning. and be sure to join the discussion with your phone calls, facebook comments, text messages, and...
Apr 1, 2021
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john: justice elena kagan. >> you can only ride on the history for so long. deal has changed since 100 years ago. the way that student-athletes are treated. john: at the same time, justices seemed worried about where siding with athletes could lead. >> you've got this nice, solid block that protects the sort of product that the schools want to provide and you pull out one log and another and everything is fine, then another and another and en the whole thing comes crashing down. john: sonja soto meyer expressed concern. >> how do we know that we are not just destroying the game as it exists? >> the supreme cou doesn't answer a question for a particular case. it always has its eye on what may behe next case, what is coming down the road. john: marcia is the chief washington correspondent for the national law journal. >> we have on that court a number of sports enthusiasts. i think they are very much aware of the games and how they are played as well as how the ncaa and the game has changed since the last time the supreme court had the ncaa before it, which was
john: justice elena kagan. >> you can only ride on the history for so long. deal has changed since 100 years ago. the way that student-athletes are treated. john: at the same time, justices seemed worried about where siding with athletes could lead. >> you've got this nice, solid block that protects the sort of product that the schools want to provide and you pull out one log and another and everything is fine, then another and another and en the whole thing comes crashing down....
Apr 4, 2021
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war and you can see on the journal the civil war era website our following speakers and april 14th, elena roberts, may 12th, kevin waite as well as an archive of our prior speakers and of their their talks and webinars, which are preserved on our youtube channel, so welcome. thanks so much and i'll turn it over to kate. great. well, thanks to everyone for being here. it's a real pleasure to introduce our guest today. we are going to be speaking with christopher bonner. who teaches african-american history at the university of maryland college park? he published his first book remaking the republic black politics and the creation of american citizenship in 2020. and that's what we're going to be focusing on here published by upenn press. his work has also appeared in the collection new perspectives on the black intellectual tradition published in 2018. and at the website black perspectives, which is the blog for the african-american intellectual history society a wonderful vibrant blog that i encourage everybody to check out if you don't know it already. dr. bonner is originally from chesa
war and you can see on the journal the civil war era website our following speakers and april 14th, elena roberts, may 12th, kevin waite as well as an archive of our prior speakers and of their their talks and webinars, which are preserved on our youtube channel, so welcome. thanks so much and i'll turn it over to kate. great. well, thanks to everyone for being here. it's a real pleasure to introduce our guest today. we are going to be speaking with christopher bonner. who teaches...
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lead europe's biggest economy well for the 1st time ever they've named a candidate for chancellor and elena bair bok now aims to succeed america if the greens win in september's elections well opinion poll place them opinion polls rather place them 2nd only by a small margin to america. with 2 party leaders one needed to step aside and harvick did so making an early now bear book the 1st green chancellor candidate ever in her 1st speech she promised a renewal and german politics and a departure from the status quo. she misses the matter if i get in must make changes to create a fair country a country where daycare centers and schools are truly the best places to beam a country where caregivers genuinely have the time and above all the resources to care for people so can my country in which the state functions digitally and serves its citizens. a diverse and cosmopolitan country of values space and strong democracy via after. the 40 year old became politically active within the green party in 2008 focusing on foreign and security issues only 5 years later she entered the border start the ger
lead europe's biggest economy well for the 1st time ever they've named a candidate for chancellor and elena bair bok now aims to succeed america if the greens win in september's elections well opinion poll place them opinion polls rather place them 2nd only by a small margin to america. with 2 party leaders one needed to step aside and harvick did so making an early now bear book the 1st green chancellor candidate ever in her 1st speech she promised a renewal and german politics and a departure...
Apr 27, 2021
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and manchester city have never won the competition reached the final last of saif upbeat and boss elena and by munich. there is. goodness you know but it's the last year we managed to reach the final for the 1st time and now we're amongst the best 4 teams again we're getting better and better despite all that happened this year with the change of coach we have all it takes to be champions. by me to come announce that union noddles men will take over as coach from july on a 5 year contracts the 33 year old german will replace the flip he's leaving at the end of the season he's currently in charge of abi leipsic he was 2nd in the bundesliga 7 points behind by and nicknamed baby marino novels minutes at leipsic to the semifinals of the champions league last year. for me to the tigers to play but i'm happy that the transfer is happening but i'd like to speak about by munich when i'm employed by them i'm still at leipsic and i look forward to the next 4 weeks in achieving our goals including winning the cup there were inquiries by other clubs but i didn't want to terminate my contract for an
and manchester city have never won the competition reached the final last of saif upbeat and boss elena and by munich. there is. goodness you know but it's the last year we managed to reach the final for the 1st time and now we're amongst the best 4 teams again we're getting better and better despite all that happened this year with the change of coach we have all it takes to be champions. by me to come announce that union noddles men will take over as coach from july on a 5 year contracts the...
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the other she is the rising star of german politics and elena be about 40 years old leader of the german green party. the climate debate is served as a springboard for the greens triumph in recent years climate protection exit from calls renewable energy there are other topics the bareback has fought for since the beginning of her career. in supply movie we are less than 30 years to really make a change to base our way of life our prosperity on climate neutrality that is the task of our generation ones i can add. a 1000000 a bit of ark was born in 1900 in northwestern germany and now lives in the east of the country near berlin she and her husband have 2 young children. their bank has a degree in international law and spent several years abroad in the u.s. london in brussels she became politically active in the green party in 2008 focusing on foreign and security issues she soon became a member of parliament 1st at regional level then in 2013 she entered the boom to stock the german parliament at the age of only 32 she quickly earned respect for her thoroughness and knowledge of detail f
the other she is the rising star of german politics and elena be about 40 years old leader of the german green party. the climate debate is served as a springboard for the greens triumph in recent years climate protection exit from calls renewable energy there are other topics the bareback has fought for since the beginning of her career. in supply movie we are less than 30 years to really make a change to base our way of life our prosperity on climate neutrality that is the task of our...
Apr 22, 2021
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brangham: elena marks is the president and ceo of the episcopal health foundation. and last year, she took us on a tour. her foundation analyzed cdc data, documenting widespread disparities in this area. nurse: they don't know a discharge date right now brangham: she pointed out that the mostly black residents here areisproportionately uninsured... they often don't get good care until it's too late. they die, on average, twenty years earlier than residents in other parts of houston. marks: you know, the deck's stacked against you. if you could get to the medical center, that would be great, but you'd obably be really sick, because of the neighborhood you live in, by the time you get there. brangham: we started filming this program last year, when china was dealing with an explosion of this mysterious new corona virus. but at that point, only a few, travel-related cases had been found in the us. still, many residents in this part of houston, like ruby glass whom we met at her home with her mom knew that, if the virus landed here, these disparities would hit communiti
brangham: elena marks is the president and ceo of the episcopal health foundation. and last year, she took us on a tour. her foundation analyzed cdc data, documenting widespread disparities in this area. nurse: they don't know a discharge date right now brangham: she pointed out that the mostly black residents here areisproportionately uninsured... they often don't get good care until it's too late. they die, on average, twenty years earlier than residents in other parts of houston. marks: you...