we learn about the third variety from elena bula - this is the river variety.rly variety is also one of my favorites; its characteristic feature is that the berries, and look, they gather in such clusters, very similar to grape berries, quite large a and has such an interesting aftertaste of blueberries, if, for example, a many varieties of blueberries are completely blue with such a- a dove-gray white bloom, then the river, it is so darker, also has a bloom and especially that the raid after 2-3 days, as it were, slowly begins to disappear. many summer residents often worry, not so much because of the loss of plaque. how many reddening of blueberry leaves, in fact, the reasons, and redness, of course, there may be several, but most often it is a sharp temperature drop, but because people think that this is due to the fact that the acidity has decreased sharply or because the plant lacks some kind of top dressing. we just ask very strongly, i recommend that you don’t, but immediately rush to acidify or feed your blueberries, and carry out a lot of different unn