here is your honor, the court in the case of elena grashchenkova in to pay monthly compensation. please make the same decision. yes, in russia there is no case law and the courts make decisions not according to analogy with the decisions of other courts. and based on the law and its interpretation, the very recognition of the aggregator to carriers does not mean that the courts will blindly follow this. no, every time the injured passengers will have to prove their case, nevertheless , any judge one way or another pays attention to judicial practice, i don’t think that the consequences will arise immediately, but i don’t exclude that the wording made by elena grashchenkova will subsequently disperse by the search statement and the decision of others courts, in addition, the supreme court in in his reviews, he summarizes judicial practice and i do not exclude that this decision on recognizing the aggregator for carriers may be included in one of these reviews, and the opinion of the supreme court for som judged. but for now. at least refer to this pr