your life or shorten your life, let me remind you that on the website of the health program with elena malysheva have such a test for you here, you can enter your age here. well, for example, we will turn to the age of dmitry nikolayevich, he is a man, he is from 45 to fifty-nine years old and, for example, let's see what will happen to him if he eats red meat, he eats 50 g of red meat a day. this will add 8 months to his life. but if he eats 100 grams of red meat a day, what will happen? nothing to him you have to, it won't do you any good. and if it eats more, it will take life away. now let's see, for example, what will happen if dmitry nikolaevich we have, for example, processed meat. let's look at 100 grams of processed meat per day once. it takes him 10 months and 9 days of life. and if we add to this, a glass of 250 g of sweet drinks and another minus 5 months to 12 days, that is , this table it allows you to navigate how to live right and what to eat right. today we will talk about legumes. here let's now again, uh, program our sign and so polo. we have a male age from 45 to fifty-nine a