fabulous place, a writers’ book club, where we will meet one of the belarusian children’s authors, elena stelmakhat is the magic of a children's book, why after a while many adults return to their favorite books works, alina nevoina is with you and this is a fashion for culture. the book is priceless for a child at all times, and despite his fascination with gadgets, it still expands his understanding of the world, introduces him to things, nature, and everything that surrounds him. at first , the child gets acquainted with the book thanks to his parents and grandparents. and then he himself begins to explore the world of letters, words and thoughts. by reading books, a child develops his thinking, it will be both thought and imagination, teaches perseverance, makes him think and analyze. among the most famous children's authors first come to mind: samuel morshak, korneychukovsky, agnia barto, mark twain, astrit lingren, hans christian andersen, great storytellers. of all times, and on april 2, on anderson’s birthday , they even began to celebrate international children’s book day. the republic o