and "elevation" -- elevation's another way to reduce swelling, but it should only be done if it won't cause more pain. so if i can, i'm very gently going to lift up her foot. can you grab that backpack right there? 'cause you can really use anything to elevate the injury, and gently place it back down. so that's all you would do for a sprain or strain. r.i.c.e. -- rest, immobilize, cold, elevate. >> "rice" is good to know, but remember -- even with relatively minor injuries, it's important to get proper medical attention. for "tkn," i'm alexa. >> here's how teens answered our question for the week. >> okay, here's the situation. you see your friend is being bullied. what would you do? >> if someone bullies my friend, i would be going up to them, tell them to stop, and i don't want to shove them, but i kind of to shove them, but i don't want to get the wrong attention, so i'd just tell them, "stop bullying my friend, and could you go away?" >> i would be mad at him -- mad at him, personally. i'd maybe bulhim, see what he thought. >> i would defend them and stick up for them. >> if my f