these are paragraphs that describe what eliano lopez is telling ms. madison about her relationship. this is foundational or information that's relied on by nancy lemon in analyzing the state of the relationship that they have. it's well accepted that expert opinions regarding domestic violence situation and relationships can and do rely on this kind of confidences given to friends and other people close to -- close to the victim even if they are here say. we're not offering this for the truth of the matter. we're offering this to establish the nature of the relationship so we can figure out what it is that's going on. and to some extent -- to the extent that the -- that the paragraph also discuss ms. lopez's response to these thihe marriage. they pertain to her state of mind and her conduct that would be our point from seven through nine. chairperson hur: commissioner studly. chairperson studley: i wonder if her testimony is the better source of any kind of that information. chairperson hur: go ahead. >> i don't doubt that her testimony would be helpful. i think one reason that this