. >> elias sumari. the last person that submitted a card. >> i am elias and i bike on masonic going to trader joes and places north of presidio. it's crazy and scary and i try to avoid it. but most of the time i try to avoid it. sometimes i ride on the sidewalk because i am afraid. someone said she is scared to death to lose the parking. and i am scared to ride on it, anyone with a parking as a fundamental right, shouldn't be living in san francisco. i am excited to see the changes after all of these years. i guess that's it. >> thank you. >> any other member of the public wishes to address the board that has not spoken? >> i am going to close the public hearing. >> aye. >> this passines. >> i want to say i thank you for all of your work on this. i know that you were personally involved with mill's vigil and reaching out to the family. i hope they aware of this. >> a motion and second. any further discussion? >> first to those who have come down to say they are concerned about parking or driving and all