among them the friends of 29-year-old eliav kline.e festival with were not as lucky. >> i don't know what happened to him. and i have more, two friends -- found shoots in the car -- >> friends shot dead in their cars? >> yeah. >> did you see people get shot? >> no. but i heard boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. like, a lot of shots. >> reporter: eliav got out but he's been reliving the horror the past few days, mourning his friends. you started at the concert with 20 friends. how many are missing? how many are dead? >> two dead. and three missing. >> what does the world need to know right now? >> we need to show the world the criminals. it's not us. they are the criminals. we don't want problems, we just want to live normal life. >> reporter: for abby, the wait for information about her missing family weighs heavily. what would you say to the people holding your family members? >> i would ask them to think of the people that they have and they're holding captive as humans first. not as some sort of prize in a war. and that this isn't a way