long time, worked, studied, just a dream opens up additional resources, just like the inventor elios howed a sewing machine in a dream, saw it in a dream, and what was the nightmare? the nightmare was beautiful, when he was captured by a tribe of savages, and he saw what was on the spears of these savages, and he was simply thrown into a pan of boiling water, yes... the dream suggested the very idea, the very idea, the very idea, yes, everything , and he simply understood, i can absolutely sincerely say that the idea for a doctoral dissertation came to me in dream science, and moreover, i had never thought about it before, but now remembering this dream, i had it somewhere just right. during the christmas season, i once bought two books while abroad, one was published in england, the second in america, they were dedicated to dreams in english literature and , accordingly, with guidance in american literature, yeah, and there was a great article by stephen king, and stephen king clearly showed in all his works that this piece was written off, he suffered from nightmares. from my nightmare,