[laughter] eliot cohen has done something unusual and even daring here.he has made canada interesting. [laughter] after you buy and read this book, you will never again think of canada as homer simpson thought of it, america jr. [laughter] it's a terrific book. i've read it twice, once in manuscript, and i just finished reading the hard cover last is a fun book. i actually found it even more fun the second time around because i figured out his racquet. i was sort of playing chess the second time, okay, i've read the book, now where are you going to take us this time? structurally, as an author, i found it really enjoyable. but my favorite is the chapter on the battle of the snowshoes, chapter three. it's a lovely essay that, surprisingly, kind of takes you from the battle of snowshoes, mentally -- at least for me -- to mogadishu. and today's military. and again and again these connections are made. several of the good points that i really enjoyed in the book, the point made early on that in america, unlike in europe, war french did better with the indians