her father, a former homicide detective, along with her husband, spoke to elisabeth hassleback on "fox & friends." the father was asked, if he suspects any foul play? >> i don't want to even try to go there. what i really feel she probably went, for a walk and she is just, unable to come home at this point in time. >> only thing i can think of is that she bought the sleep aids for potentially helping her to get some sleep over the next few nights. that was her plan. as i said before, she was suffering from headaches for several days prior. martha: very mysterious the story. rod wheeler, former washington, d.c. homicide detective and fox news contributor and joins us now. rod, always good to have you with us. thanks very much. >> good morning, martha. martha: what do you think of this so far? >> this investigation has taken a new turn and twists so to speak we know jennifer purchased sleeping aids. why is that kind of significant in this investigation in real quickly in a missing persons case it is not necessarily the 24 hours after the person goes missing, martha we're concerned become