tut, mayor warner, we request that the council recuse mark burke, elisabeth lawrence and erin gigliomain street marijuana issues. >> i don't think i will, gary. my understanding of a legal contribution is that if it's legal, it's been reported, there is no conflict of interest if you choose to act in favor or against the proponent who gave you considerable contribution. >> i have no financial gain whether they stay or leave airport road or come on main street or anything to. have someone stand up here and speak the way you're speaking, it's offensive quite frankly. >> gary, i just find it ironic. you yourself, you're a bmf supporter. more than four times the amount of my gain contributions came from people who are current or recent bmf board members, so here in a month when we talk about our bmf funds next year should i recuse myself? would you like me not to be a part of the conversation? do you see the correlation? >> no, i don't. that's a separate issue that you have chosen to position yourself candidly. somewhat biting the hand that's fete feeding the summit foundation currently