we'll talk to elise cooper, financial analyst in london joining us from there.his is to settle a claim about overvalued mortgage. this is the civil side of things and there's a criminal investigation, i think, going on. >> well, first of all, we don't have the full details of the settlement. it's news source, the "new york times," "the wall street journal," "bloom berg", it looks like it's a $13 billion settle: $9 bill on of that is fine, and $4 billion will be for helping home owners who got into difficulties. the $13 billion is $2 billion bigger than a couple of weeks ago. the two key things on the settlement - again that we don't know because we don't have the details - they are will jpmorgan admit wrong doing and the second thing is will jpmorgan then go on to face criminal prosecutions? they may want to do a deal that reduces - that gets rid of all the criminal liability. so those are the two key things that we await from the deal. >> you would have heard the story that the head of jpmorgan, diamond, would do a deal with eric holder to drop criminal charges